- 11.12.2024 в 16:00 по московскому времени в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
Artem Roenko (BLTP, JINR)
"On the origin of mixed inhomogeneous phase in vortical gluon plasma" pdf
Recently, lattice simulations of SU(3) Yang-Mills theory revealed that rotating hot gluon matter in thermal equilibrium possesses a novel inhomogeneous phase consisting of the deconfinement phase located in the center region, which is spatially separated from the confinement phase in the periphery. This inhomogeneous two-phase structure is also expected to be produced by vorticity in quark-gluon plasma formed in non-central relativistic heavy-ion collisions. We show that its vortical properties are determined by two types of couplings of the angular velocity to the gluon fields: a linear coupling to the mechanical angular momentum of gluons and a quadratic ``magnetovortical'' coupling to a chromomagnetic component. We demonstrate numerically that the distinctive inhomogeneous structure of the vortical (quark-)gluon plasma is determined by the latter, while the former plays only a subleading role. We argue that the anisotropy of the gluonic action in the curved co-rotating background can quantitatively explain the remarkable property that the spatial structure of this inhomogeneous phase disobeys the picture based on a straightforward implementation of the Tolman-Ehrenfest law. We also support our findings with Monte Carlo simulations of Yang-Mills plasma at the real-valued angular frequency, which take into account only the magnetic part of the action.
V. V. Braguta, M. N. Chernodub, Ya. A. Gershtein, A. A. Roenko, arXiv:2411.15085 [hep-lat].
- 4.09.2024 в 16:00 по московскому времени онлайн в Zoom
Г.К. Сизых (ИТМО, г. С.-Петербург)
"Динамика электронных волновых пакетов
в продольных магнитном и электрическом
полях и генерация ими фотонов с угловым
моментом" (по материалам кандидатской диссертации)
В первой части работы рассматривается
движение волновых пакетов
нерелятивистских (закрученных)
электронов с орбитальным угловым
моментом через область постоянного
однородного магнитного поля с учётом
пересечения границы вакуум-соленоид.
Предложено описание эволюции
состояния закрученного электрона в
такой системе в терминах одной
нестационарной Лагерр-Гауссовой (НСЛГ)
моды. Детально исследованы параметры
таких состояний. Рассмотрено влияние
слабых неоднородностей магнитного и
также постоянного ускоряющего
электрического полей на эволюцию
среднеквадратичного радиуса НСЛГ
состояния. Полученные результаты могут
быть использованы при конструировании
источника релятивистских закрученных
электронов на ускорителе ЛИНАК-200.
Вторая часть работы посвящена
генерации релятивистскими
электронами, в том числе, закрученными,
(закрученных) фотонов с орбитальным
угловым моментом. Показана возможность
получения закрученных фотонов
жёсткого рентгеновского и гамма-
диапазонов в рамках схемы обобщённых
измерений. Предложенная схема
демонстрируется на примере двух
процессов КЭД в первом порядке теории
возмущений: излучения
Вавилова-Черенкова и нелинейного
эффект Комптона. Получены состояния
излучаемых фотонов в этих процессах и
показано, что использование обобщённых
измерений позволяет получать фотоны с
ненулевым угловым моментом.
- 24.04.2024 в 16:00 по московскому времени в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
Alfredo Raya (Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolas de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico)
"QCD sum rules at finite quark chemical potential and zero temperature"
We explore the effect of a quark chemical potential μ at zero temperature in the implementation of in-medium effects in Wilson coefficients and the perturbative sector in QCD sum rules. For this purpose, we explore the axial, axial-pseudoscalar and pseudoscalar current correlators using finite energy sum rules involving charged π and a1 mesons. The inclusion of non-normal ordered condensates with μ effects in the operator mixing is considered. As a result, we confirm that Wilson coefficients must be considered in-vacuum to avoid the appearance of divergences when μ reaches the quark mass. Also, the contribution of the operator mixing with chemical potential dependence cancels all the explicit μ contribution of the perturbative sector, aligned with the so-called "silver blaze problem". Finally, we find an abrupt transition when μ=√(s0)/2, s0 being the hadronic continuum threshold. In our findings, we consider the full mass dependence in the isospin symmetric mass approximation without radiative corrections.
- 13.03.2024 в 16:00 по московскому времени в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
Попов Артем (МГУ)
"Осцилляции нейтрино в астрофизических магнитных полях и средах" (по материалам кандидатской диссертации) pdf video
В докладе обсуждается теория и феноменология осцилляций нейтрино в магнитных полях и веществе астрофизических объектов, в частности:
1. Представлены аналитические выражения для вероятностей флейворных и спиновых осцилляций дираковских нейтрино в магнитном поле. Показано, что вероятности осцилляций представляют собой комбинацию осцилляций на вакуумных частотах и на частотах, зависящих от величины магнитного поля и магнитных моментов нейтрино. Получено численное решение уравнения эволюции майорановского нейтрино в магнитном поле и веществе взрыва сверхновой.
2. Показано, что при наличии СР-нарушающих фаз майорановского типа могут возникать новые резонансы в осцилляциях нейтрино-антинейтрино, вызванных наличием магнитного поля. Показано, что наличие данных резонансов может приводить к наблюдаемому изменению состава потока нейтрино от сверхновой.
3. Рассмотрена эволюция волнового пакета нейтрино в магнитном поле. Получены выражения для вероятностей осцилляций нейтрино в магнитном поле с учётом расхождения волновых пакетов. Вычислены длины когерентности для осцилляций на вакуумных и магнитных частотах. Показано, что в отличие от осцилляций на вакуумных частотах, осцилляции на магнитных частотах не затухают даже на космологических масштабах. Рассмотрена эволюция нейтрино высоких энергий в магнитном поле Галактики.
- 6.03.2024 в 11:00 (нетипичное время) по московскому времени в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
Кузьмин Матвей (ИТМФ МГУ, ИТЭФ)
"Эволюция адронных струй в текущей кварк-глюонной плазме" pdf video
В экспериментах по соударению тяжелых ионов возникает новое состояние материи - кварк-глюонная плазма (КГП). Наблюдения указывают на то, что КГП ведёт себя как практически идеальная жидкость, что делает её простейшим примером коллективной ядерной материи, поэтому исследование КГП важно для описания того, как коллективная среда формируется из элементарных частиц в теории сильных взаимодействий. Непосредственное наблюдение КГП затруднено её коротким временем жизни, поэтому нам приходится иметь дело с частицами в конечном состоянии, часть из которых наблюдаются в виде узких энергичных пучков—адронных струй. Анализируя взаимодействие адронных струй с КГП, можно получить информацию о пространственно-временной динамике среды. Эта идея - основа струйной томографии, теоретические аспекты которой будут обсуждаться в моём докладе.
Взаимодействие энергичных частиц с ядерной материей чаще всего основывается на методе внешнего поля, моделирующего коллективную среду. В рамках такого подхода КГП заменяется на набор стохастических глюонных полей, с которыми партон взаимодействует по стандартным правилам КХД. До недавнего времени эта задача рассматривалась в приближении статической среды и бесконечной энергии партонов, при этом основная информация о динамике плазмы оставалась недоступной. В последних работах эти допущения были ослаблены, а в нашей недавней статье мы уделили особое внимание совместным эффектам коллективного движения среды и термодинамических градиентов. Такие вклады возникают уже в лидирующем порядке разложения по энергии. Таким образом, наша работа делает еще один шаг к полноценному теоретическому описанию струйной томографии.
- 20.12.2023 в 16:00 (Московское время) в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
Д. Н. Воскресенский (ЛТФ, ОИЯИ)
"Pion-sigma meson vortices in rotating systems" video
Possibilities of the formation of the pion-sigma meson field vortices in a rotating empty vessel (in vacuum) and in the pion-sigma Bose-Einstein condensates at a dynamically fixed particle number are studied within the linear sigma model at zero temperature. The charged and neutral complex field ansatze are studied. First it is analysed, which of these configurations is energetically favorable in case of the system at rest. Then conditions are found, at which a chiral field storm can arise in a rotating empty vessel. An important role played by the electric field is demonstrated. Its appearance may allow for formation of a supervortex. Influence of magnetic field is also studied. Then it is shown that description of the charged and neutral rotating pion-sigma Bose-Einstein condensates is analogous to that for the Bose-Einstein condensates in cold atomic gases. Conditions for existence of the rigid-body rotation of the vortex lattice are analysed. Effects for vortex fields in rotating vessels, energetic heavy-ion collisions and in rotating superheavy nuclei/nuclearites are discussed.
- 13.12.2023 в 16:00 (Московское время) в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
А. М. Коваленко (Физический институт РАН)
"Флуктуационные явления в анизотропной гидродинамике" pdf
Диссипативные гидродинамические теории второго порядка применялись для описания анизотропной кварк-глюонной материи, однако введение большой анизотропии давлений приводило к появлению отрицательного давления на некоторых временах из-за роста гидродинамических поправок. Фактически, необходим был учёт всех порядков в гидродинамическом разложении. Эти и другие проблемы привели к созданию анизотропной релятивистской гидродинамики (aHydro), где анизотропия была введена явным образом. Концепция aHydro хорошо показала себя в моделировании столкновений тяжёлых ионов, однако в ней не рассматривались многие базовые явления, например, связанные со звуком, которые скорее всего будут выглядеть совсем иначе, чем в изотропном случае. Звуковые явления в кварк-глюонной и ядерной материях изучались ранее в контексте формирования ударных волн, температурной зависимости скорости звука и влияния вязкости на распространения звуковых колебаний, что показывает высокий интерес к данной области. Кандидатская диссертация, как и данный доклад, посвящён изучению вопросов связанных с анизотропией скоростей звука и конуса Маха, с генерацией ударных волн и исследованию их устойчивости в рамках анизотропной релятивистской гидродинамики.
- 6.12.2023 в 16:00 (Московское время) в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
Дмитрий Гросман (Университет ИТМО, Санкт-Петербург)
"Нестационарные квантовые состояния электрона в соленоиде"
При влёте электрона в соленоид учёт
«границы» приводит к нестационарности состояния частицы в магнитном поле.
Мы сравниваем такие состояния со стационарными состояниями Ландау и
обсуждаем возможности их экспериментального различения.
Илья Павлов (Университет ИТМО, Санкт-Петербург )
"Излучение закрученных фотонов релятивистским электроном в
сильном магнитном поле" pdf
Решая задачу о спонтанном излучении в квантовой системе, мы обычно выбираем состояние
испускаемого фотона в виде плоской волны. С точки зрения квантовых измерений это означает, что
фотон детектирован в состоянии c определенным импульсом.
Можно поставить задачу по-другому и
задаться вопросом, в каком состоянии излучается фотон на самом деле,
независимо от детектора. Мы разберем этот подход и взглянем с новой
перспективы на излучение релятивистского электрона в
постоянном и однородном магнитном поле.
- 16.11.2023 в 11:00 (Московское время) в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
Герасименюк Николай Владимирович (Тихоокеанский квантовый центр Дальневосточного федерального университета)
"Подходы к исследованию критических явлений в решеточной теории поля" pdf
Доклад посвящен результатам последних исследований по применению нейронных сетей в области решеточной теории поля, а также текущим успехам по построению нулей большой канонической статсуммы в рамках подхода Ли-Янга. Метод Монте-Карло - достаточно надёжный способ для выполнения расчетов из первых принципов теории. Однако он имеет ряд сложностей, таких как: проблема знака, критическое замедление, статистика и др. Как результат возникает потребность в поиске альтернатив, чему и посвящен доклад.
Танашкин Алексей Сергеевич (Тихоокеанский квантовый центр Дальневосточного федерального университета)
"Влияние нетривиальной топологии на вакуумы решеточных калибровочных теорий и спиновых систем" pdf
В докладе рассматривается влияние различных способов индуцирования нетривиальной топологии на вакуумы решеточных калибровочных теорий и основные состояния спиновых систем. Описывается реструктуризация вакуума компактной электродинамики и теории Янга-Миллса в 3+1 измерениях при наличии идеально проводящих параллельных пластин, ограничивающих одну из размерностей теории. Обсуждаются новые граничные состояния в КХД. В качестве спиновой модели рассматривается нелокальная спиновая модель Поттса на случайной решетке и описываются ее основные состояния. Полученные результаты интерпретируются в рамках нерешенной проблемы Нелсона-Эрдеша-Хадвигера о хроматическом числе плоскости.
- 15.11.2023 в 16:00 (Московское время) онлайн в Zoom
З. К. Силагадзе (ИЯФ СО РАН)
"Уравнение Леви-Леблона и лифт Эйзенхарта-Дюваля в механике Купмана-фон Неймана" video
Расширенный вариант доклада на семинаре, посвященном памяти Э.А. Кураева, основанного на работе
B.K. Parida, A. Sen, S. Dhasmana, Z.K. Silagadze, Ĺevy-Leblond Equation and Eisenhart-Duval lift in Koopman-von Neumann Mechanics,
2308.16201 (будет опубликована в Mod.Phys. Lett. A.)
Я более подробно расскажу о темах, которые встречаются в названии работы: об уравнение Леви-Леблона, механике Купмана-фон Неймана и о лифте Эйзенхарта-Дюваля. Эти разделы физики не так хорошо известны, как они того заслуживают, по моему мнению. В конце расскажу немного о нашей работе, которая послужила исходной точкой доклада и приведу заключительные замечания.
- 8.11.2023 в 16.00 (Московское время) онлайн в Zoom
Лебедев С. Л. (Сургутский государственный университет)
"Спиновые инерционные эффекты в излучении релятивистского электрона" video
Спиновые радиационные эффекты в одночастичном секторе QED имеют
двойственную природу и могут быть поняты на основе френкелевской
классической модели вращающегося электрона. В исследуемой области значений
параметров ${\gamma^{2}_{\bot}(=1+\frac{p^{2}_{\bot}}{m^{2}})>>1}$ и
$\chi(=\sqrt{(eF_{\mu\nu}p_{\nu})^{2}}/m^{3})<<1$ мнимая часть сдвига массы и мощность излучения содержат спиновые вклады
двух типов. Вклады первого типа связаны с наличием у фермиона собственного магнитного момента, представляющего
дополнительный источник электромагнитного излучения; вклады второго типа
имеют противоположный знак и обязаны небольшому изменению ускорения
электрона, возникающему из-за френкелевской добавки к массе частицы. В
двух упомянутых величинах вклады второго типа доминируют, что объясняет
`неправильный` знак полных спиновых поправок. Мы показываем, что не только
знак, но и численное значение коэффициентов может быть с заданной
точностью объяснено в рамках классической электродинамики, если поправки к
сдвигу массы (действию) и к мощности излучения вычислять в канонических
переменных, т.е. при фиксированных значениях скорости и импульса
соответственно. Полученные результаты можно трактовать как демонстрацию
принципа соответствия в области радиационных спиновых эффектов - в
дополнение к соответствию между классической и квантовой теорией на
древесном (по внешнему полю) уровне. При $a_{e}\equiv (g-2)/2\lesssim
\chi\ll 1$ уравнения модели Френкеля приводят к обобщению системы
уравнений Лоренца -- БМТ, учитывающему френкелевскую добавку к массе.
Обсуждаются некоторые особенности эксперимента по наблюдению спинового
- 13.09.2023 в 16:00 (Московское время) в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
Artem Roenko (BLTP)
"News from the 7th International Conference on Chirality, Vorticity and Magnetic Field in Heavy Ion Collisions (Beijing, 15-19 July 2023)" video
- 12.07.2023 в 16:00 (Московское время) в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
Д. А. Сычев (ЛТФ, ОИЯИ)
"Отрицательный момент инерции и нестабильность глюонной плазмы относительно однородного вращения" video
Методами решеточного моделирования вычислена свободная энергия
глюодинамики при вращении с однородной угловой скоростью. Раскладывая
свободную энергию в ряд по угловой скорости, обнаружено, что момент
инерции глюонной плазмы отрицателен при температурах ниже некоторой
T_s ~ 1.5 T_c, тогда как выше данной температуры момент инерции
принимает положительные значения. Отрицательный момент инерции
указывает на термодинамическую нестабильность подобного режима
вращения, а также оказывается связан с масштабной аномалией и
магнитным глюонным конденсатом.
- 31.05.2023 в 16:00 (Московское время) онлайн в Zoom
Shahid Chaudhary (Sharif College of Engineering & Technology, Lahore, Pakistan)
"Physical Aspects of Black Holes Through Well-Known Approaches" video
Black holes have long fascinated scientists and the general public alike, with their
mysterious nature and profound impact on our understanding of the universe. In recent
years, advancements in observational techniques and theoretical models have allowed us
to explore three intriguing aspects of black holes: their shadow images, stability and phase
transition, and the process of Hawking evaporation.
The first part of this presentation focuses on black hole shadow images, which have
emerged as a powerful tool for studying these enigmatic cosmic objects. Through a
combination of gravitational lensing and the accretion of matter, black holes cast a shadow
against the backdrop of surrounding light. These shadow images provide valuable insights
into the geometry and properties of black holes. The presentation also explores the
intriguing concept of phase transitions in black holes. Analogous to phase transitions in
ordinary matter, black holes are believed to undergo transitions between different states
based on their mass, temperature, and other thermodynamic quantities.
The second part of the presentation delves into Hawking evaporation, a groundbreaking
concept proposed by physicist Stephen Hawking. According to quantum field theory, black
holes are not completely black but emit a faint radiation known as Hawking radiation. This
radiation arises from the quantum effects near the event horizon, resulting in a slow loss of
mass and energy over time. The process of Hawking evaporation has profound implications
for the fate and thermodynamics of black holes, leading to discussions on information loss
paradox and the possible existence of remnants or remnants-free scenarios.
- 17.05.2023 в 16:00 (Московское время) в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
David Montenegro (BLTP, JINR)
"Linear response hydrodynamics of a relativistic dissipative fluid with spin" video
We formulate a Lagrangian hydrodynamics including shear and bulk viscosity in the presence of spin density, and investigate it using the linear response functional formalism. The result is a careful accounting of all sound and vortex interactions close to local equilibrium. In particular, we demonstrate that the mixing of sound waves and vortices via polarization, first observed in the ideal fluid limit, extends to the shear mode once dissipative effects are included. Once causal relaxational dynamics is included, this effect, seemingly puzzling because it results in a non-dissipative coupling between a transient mode to an equilibrium quantity, can be understood as a competition between the Israel-Stewart and the polarization relaxation timescale.
- 22.03.2023 в 16:00 (Московское время) в Zoom
Abdel Nasser Tawfik (Future University in Egypt, Fifth Settlement, New Cairo, Egypt)
"Polyakov Linear-Sigma Model: In-Medium Modifications of Various Meson States" video
In SU(3) Polyakov linear sigma model (PLSM), in which the chiral
symmetry and gluonic degrees of freedom are integrated in the hadronic
and partonic phase, the QCD phase structure and its magnetic properties
are analyzed in thermal and dense medium, at finite magnetic field. Both
Landau quantization and magnetic catalysis are implemented so that
magnetization, magnetic susceptibility and permeability have been
estimated. We find that the partonic phase has higher values of
magnetization, magnetic susceptibility, and permeability than the
hadronic phase. We also study the chiral phase structure of: a)
pseudoscalars (Jpc=0−+), b) scalars (Jpc=0++), c) vectors
(Jpc=1−−), and d) axial-vectors (Jpc=1++) meson states, at
finite temperature, baryon chemical potential and magnetic field. The
in-medium (thermal and density) characteristics of nonet meson states
normalized to the lowest bosonic Matsubara frequencies are also
analyzed. We noticed that the meson masses normalized to normalized
become temperature independent at characterizing critical temperatures.
We observe that the chiral and deconfinement phase transitions are
shifted to lower quasicritical temperatures with increasing chemical
potential and magnetic field. We also find that increasing chemical
potential enhances the mass degeneracy of the various meson masses,
while increasing the magnetic field seems to reduce the critical
chemical potential, at which the chiral phase transition takes place.
Our mass spectrum calculations, at vanishing temperature, agree well
with PNJL, lattice QCD calculations, QMD/UrQMD simulations, and the
recent PDG compilations.
- 15.03.2023 в 16:00 (Московское время) в Аудитории Блохинцева (ЛТФ, 4 этаж) и онлайн в Zoom
Джунушалиев Владимир (Казахский Национальный Университет, Алматы)
"QCD effects in non-QCD theories" pdf video
It is shown that, in some non-QCD theories, there are effects shared by QCD: (i)~in SU(2) Yang-Mills theory containing a nonlinear spinor field, there is a mass gap; (ii)~in SU(3) Proca-Higgs theory, there are flux tube solutions with a longitudinal electric field required for producing a force binding quarks; (iii)~in non-Abelian Proca-Higgs theories, there exist flux tube solutions with a momentum directed along the tube axis and particlelike solutions with a nonvanishing total angular momentum created by crossed color electric and magnetic fields; in QCD, such configurations may contribute to the proton spin. We discuss the conjecture that such non-QCD theories might be a consequence of approximate solution of an infinite set of Dyson-Schwinger equations describing the procedure of nonperturbative quantization. The phenomenon of dimensional transmutation for nonperturbative quantization and the analogy between nonperturbative quantization and turbulence modeling are also discussed.
- 18.01.2023 в 16:00 (Московское время) онлайн в Zoom
Garima Punetha (Department of Physics,Govt Post Graduate College Berinag Pithoragarh, India)
"Dual QCD thermodynamics at finite temperature and chemical potential" pdf video
A Dual QCD formulation for SU(3) color gauge has been developed in terms of dual gauge potentials,
building on our previously published study for the SU(2) case with zero bario-chemical potential
[Nucl. Phys. A945, 226 (2016).] and taking into account the local as well as topological structure of
the color gauge group into its dynamics. For the purpose of examining the non-perturbative
characteristics of QCD, the dynamical configuration of the resulting dual QCD vacuum and its flux
tube configuration have been examined. The thermal behavior of the nonperturbative QCD vacuum
has been investigated for exploring the dynamics of quark-hadron phase transition at finite chemical
potential. Related thermodynamic quantities and equation of state (EoS) to characterize quark
matter have also been discussed within the framework of dual QCD-based hadronic bag which
guarantees the critical parameters and the associated critical points for quark-hadron phase
transition. These thermodynamic quantities are expected to play important roles in understanding
the order of quark-hadron phase transition and are likely to predict the features of a first-order
quark-hadron phase transition for finite chemical potential. Moreover, we have investigated the bulk
properties of quark matter by constructing the free energy change and the associated surface
tension for quark-hadron phase transition. For consistency and compatibility check, we have also
compared our results with state-of-the-art three-loop Hard Thermal Loop perturbative results and
available lattice QCD results and in the process found reasonable agreements.
- 30.11.2022 в 16:00 (Московское время) онлайн в Zoom
Бирюков А. А. (Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения)
"Описание эволюции квантовых систем: новые результаты" pdf video
Рассматривается описание эволюции квантовой системы. В рамках метода интегрирования по траекториям определяется вероятность перехода системы между квантовыми состояниями как двукратный функциональный интеграл от действительного функционала. Дается её интерпретация с точки зрения теории вероятностей. Вероятность перехода является суммой вероятностей попарно совместных случайных событий ( виртуальных траекторий между состояниями). Предлагается модель квантовых процессов в расширенном пространстве случайных совместных событий. В рамках предложенной модели вероятность перехода системы представляется рядом двукратных, трехкратных и т.д. интегралов от действительных функционалов траекторий совместных событий. Выражение совпадает с вероятностью перехода в квантовой теории, если в модели учесть только попарно совместные случайные траектории. Можно полагать, что предложенное выражение для вероятностей квантовых переходов будет подходящим для описания венщества в экстремальном состоянии.
"Evolution of a Quantum System: New Results"
A description of the evolution of a quantum system is considered. Within the framework of the path integration method, the probability of a system transition between quantum states is determined as a double functional integral of a real functional. Its interpretation from the point of view of probability theory is given. The transition probability is the sum of the probabilities of pairwise joint random events (virtual trajectories between states). A model of quantum processes in the extended space of random joint events is proposed. Within the framework of the proposed model, the probability of a system transition is represented by a series of twofold, threefold, etc. integrals of real functionals of joint event trajectories. The expression coincides with the transition probability in quantum theory if only pairwise joint random trajectories are taken into account in the model. It can be assumed that the proposed expression for the probabilities of quantum transitions will be suitable for describing a substance in an extreme state.
- 16.11.2022 at 16:00 (Moscow time) in the Blokhintsev Hall (BLTP, 4th floor) and in Zoom
Georgy Prokhorov (BLTP JINR, ITEP)
"Gravitational chiral anomaly and Kinematical Vortical Effect" pdf video
In a relativistic fluid with vorticity and acceleration, an axial current arises in the third order of gradient expansion. We called this phenomenon the Kinematical Vortical Effect (KVE), since it depends solely on medium vorticity and acceleration. We show that, while existing in the absence of gravitational field, KVE is nevertheless associated with effects in curved space-time, namely with the gravitational chiral quantum anomaly. We derive a general formula relating KVE and gravitational anomaly, and then explicitly test it by calculating transport coefficients directly from microscopic theory for massless fields with spins 1/2 and 3/2. In the latter case, the corresponding cubic transport coefficients were found using the Zubarev quantum-statistical density operator for the recently proposed Rarita-Schwinger-Adler theory. Our result opens up the possibility of searching for a gravitational anomaly in a vortical matter, formed in noncentral heavy ion collisions.
[1] G. Prokhorov, O. Teryaev, and V. Zakharov. Hydrodynamic Manifestations of Gravitational Chiral Anomaly. Phys. Rev. Lett., 129(15):151601, 2022. arXiv:2207.04449 [hep-th]
[2] G. Prokhorov, O. Teryaev, and V. Zakharov. Gravitational chiral anomaly and anomalous transport for fields with spin 3/2, 2022. arXiv:2211.03865 [hep-th]
- 09.11.2022 at 16:00 (Moscow time) in the Blokhintsev Hall (BLTP, 4th floor) and in Zoom
Anastasia Golubtsova (BLTP JINR, Dubna University),
Nikita Tsegelnik (speaker) (BLTP JINR)
"Probing the holographic model of N = 4 SYM rotating quark-gluon plasma" pdf video
Following the holographic duality, the 4D rotating 𝒩 = 4 SYM plasma can be described by a rotating Kerr-AdS5 black hole. The Kerr-AdS5 black hole has a conformal boundary R × 𝕊3 on which the 𝒩 = 4 SYM theory (a thermal ensemble) "lives". Moreover, the Hawking temperature corresponds to the temperature of the dual theory. We study rectangular Wilson loops in 𝒩 = 4 SYM on R × 𝕊3 at finite temperature using the holographic dictionary. Accordingly, we consider an open string in Kerr-AdS5 hanging from the conformal boundary to the horizon, so that the ends of the string correspond to "quarks". We calculate the quark-antiquark potential from the Nambu-Goto action of the string and find that the potential includes the Coulomb and linear parts, indicating the confinement/deconfinement phase transition. We also calculate the jet-quenching parameter associated with the energy loss of a fast parton propagating through a rotating 𝒩 = 4 SYM plasma and analyze its dependence on rotation.We show that the value of the jet-quenching parameter for the rotating case can be smaller comparing to the case of the planar AdS black hole.
- 05.10.2022 at 16:00 (Moscow time) in the Blokhintsev Hall (BLTP, 4th floor) and in Zoom
Masayasu Hasegawa (BLTP, JINR)
"Color confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and catalytic effect induced by monopole and instanton creations" pdf video
Our research project aims to demonstrate the impacts of monopoles and instanton creations on color confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and observables that experiments
can detect. Monopoles cause color confinement through condensations in the QCD vacuum, and instantons induce chiral symmetry breaking. The monopoles and instantons are
closely tied to one another and interact among quarks and gluons in the QCD vacuum. To
reveal the relations and interactions among them, we perform simulations of lattice gauge
First, we add a pair of monopole and anti-monopole to the gauge field configurations by
applying the monopole creation operator to the vacuum. We vary the magnetic charges of
the monopole and anti-monopole to increase the number of monopoles and anti-monopoles
and confirm that the additional monopoles and anti-monopoles create instantons and anti-instantons.
We then calculate the observables using the configurations and the eigenvalues and
eigenvectors of the overlap Dirac operator that preserves the exact chiral symmetry in lattice
gauge theory. We have revealed the quantitative relations by increasing the number density
of the instantons and anti-instantons as follows: the chiral condensate which is defined
as a negative value decreases. The light quark masses and masses and decay constants
of pion and kaon increase. We have found the catalytic effect in which the lifetime of
the charged pion becomes shorter than the experimental outcome [1]. Furthermore, we
have demonstrated that the finite lattice volume and the discretization do not influence
our outcomes [2]. We have shown the preliminary results that the eta-prime meson mass
becomes heavy with an increasing number of instantons and anti-instantons [3].
In this seminar, I will give a talk on the results that were recently obtained in my research project.
[1] M. Hasegawa, Monopole and instanton effects in QCD, JHEP 09 (2020) 113.
[2] M. Hasegawa, Color confinement, chiral symmetry breaking, and catalytic effect induced by monopole and instanton creations, [arXiv: 2203.11357] (submitted to the
EPJC in March 2022.).
[3] M. Hasegawa, Instanton effects on chiral symmetry breaking and hadron spectroscopy, PoS (LATTICE 2021) 397 [arXiv: 2201.00431].
- 28.09.2022 at 16:00 (Moscow time) in the Blokhintsev Hall (BLTP, 4th floor) and in Zoom
A. A. Roenko (BLTP, JINR)
"Properties of rotating QCD: current results from lattice simulations " pdf video
This report is devoted to the study of the influence of relativistic rotation on QCD properties within lattice simulations. The behavior of the critical temperature in SU(3) gluodynamics and QCD with Nf=2 clover-improved fermions was investigated using methods of lattice QCD. It is shown that the critical temperature increases with angular velocity both in pure gluon theory and in theory with dynamical quarks. Dependence of the results on the pion mass is also considered. Effects of the rotation in the equation of state of SU(3) gauge theory, as well as the possibility of the existence of inhomogeneous phases in case of fast rotation, are discussed.
- 14.09.2022 at 16:00 (Moscow time) in the Blokhintsev Hall (BLTP, 4th floor)
M. Bordag (BLTP)
"Tachyon condensation in a chromomagnetic background field and the
groundstate of QCD" pdf video
In an attempt toward a better understanding of the vacuum of QCD I
propose a condensation of the tachyonic mode in SU(2). In the Savvidy
vacuum, this mode is known to be unstable. In an approximation where the
gluon fields are reduced to the tachyonic mode, which can be considered
as a complex scalar field in (1+1)-dimensions, I apply the methods known
from the Higgs model and finite temperature field theory. The symmetry
is spontaneously broken by a condensate of tachyons, i.e. of the
unstable mode. As a result, I obtain a stable vacuum state with energy
below zero. The energy of this state is a minimum in two parameters,
the chromomagnetic background field, and the condensate. Raising the
temperature, I observe a phase transition; and a restoration of the
(based on Arxiv 2207.08711)
- 27.07.2022 в 16:00 (Московское время, в Zoom)
П. С. Слепов (МИ РАН)
"Фазовый переход конфайнмент/деконфайнмент в анизотропных голографических моделях (по материалам кандидатской диссертации) " video
В докладе будут обсуждаться анизотропные голографические модели квантовой хромодинамики. В рамках этих моделей изучена структура фазовых переходов типа Хокинга-Пейджа и переходов, связанных с поведением Вильсоновских петель, а также иных явлений, связанных с анизотропией при ненулевых температуре, химическом потенциале и магнитном поле. Рассматриваемые голографические модели поддерживаются действием Эйнштейна с полем дилатона и полями Максвелла. Первое поле Максвелла связано с введением химического потенциала. Второе поле характеризуется параметром ν и обеспечивает пространственную анизотропию в столкновениях тяжелых ионов, и при ν=4.5 позволяет воспроизвести экспериментальную зависимость множественности рожденных частиц от энергии. Третье поле описывает анизотропию, связанную с внешним магнитным полем.
- 02.02.2022 at 16:00 (Moscow time, in Zoom)
D.A. Shohonov (BLTP JINR)
"Chiral Magnetic Effect and Heisenberg-Landau Lagrangian" video
The connection between effective Heisenberg-Euler lagrangian at the
order 1/m4 and Chiral Magnetic Effect known for massless particles is
investigated. We consider the generalization of Heinseberg-Euler
lagrangian icorporating both QED and QCD and calculate the induced
vector current. Considering this current we establish a way to connect
the obtained perturbative result with the Chiral Magnetic Effect. We
formulate the transition rule from perturbative to non-perturbative
regime leading to the correspondence with the well-known result for
massless particles.
"Киральный магнитный эффект и лагранжиан Гейзенберга-Эйлера"
Исследуется связь эффективного лагранжиана Гейзенберга-Эйлера в порядке
1/m4 и кирального магнитного эффекта, известного для безмассовых частиц.
Мы рассматриваем обобщение эффективного лагранжиана учитывающее КЭД и
КХД и затем вычисляем индуцированный векторный ток. Далее, рассматривая
векторный ток, мы устанавливаем способ связать полученный пертурбативный
результат с киральным магнитном эффектом. Мы формулируем правило
перехода от пертурбативности к непертурбативности позволяющее установить
соответствие с известным ответом для безмассовых частиц.
- 17.11.2021 at 16:00 (Moscow time, in Zoom)
Artem Roenko (BLTP JINR)
"Phase diagram of rotating QCD: first results from the lattice
with dynamical quarks" video
The relativistic rotation changes a critical temperature in
QCD. A plenty of studies within various phenomenological and effective
models predict decreasing of the critical temperature due to the
rotation. At the same time, it follows from the lattice results for pure
SU(3)-gluodynamics, that the critical temperature increases. But the
rotation acts on both gluonic and fermionic degrees of freedom, and
combination of this effects may lead to unexpected results. In this
report the first lattice results for rotating QCD with dynamical
fermions are presented. The results indicate, that effect of the
rotation on fermions is opposite to gluons: it leads to the decrease of
the critical temperature.
"Фазовая диаграмма вращающейся КХД: первые решёточные
результаты с динамическими кварками"
Релятивистское вращение вызывает изменение критической
температуры в КХД. Множество исследований в рамках разнообразных
феноменологических и эффективных моделей предсказывает уменьшение
критической температуры из-за вращения. В то же время из решёточных
результатов для чистой глюодинамики следует, что критическая температура
увеличивается. Но вращение воздействет как на глюонные, так и на
фермионные степени свободы, и сочетание этих эффектов может привести к
неожиданному результату. В докладе будут представлены первые решёточные
результаты для вращающейся КХД с динамическими кварками. Результаты
показывают, что эффект от вращения фермионов противоположен результатам
для глюонов и ведёт к убыванию критической температуры.
- 29.07.2021 at 16:00 (Moscow time, in Zoom)
A.O.Starinets (The Rudolph Peierls Centre for Theoretical Physics, University of Oxford, UK)
"Convergence of hydrodynamic series and dual gravity" video
In quantum field theory at finite temperature and density, hydrodynamic
modes (e.g. sound waves) are characterised by gapless dispersion
relations usually considered as infinite series in powers (or fractional
powers) of the spatial momentum squared. These series naturally arise
within the classical hydrodynamic gradient expansion understood as an
effective theory. Motivated by the search for limits of a reliable
hydrodynamic description, we discuss the problem of determining the
radii of convergence of such series and its dependence on the coupling.
Using dual gravity methods, at least for some theories it is possible to
compute the radius of convergence at infinite and large but finite
coupling. The obstruction to convergence is caused by the level-crossing
phenomenon in the quasinormal spectra of dual black holes. Our
calculation shows that the radius of convergence in these theories is a
piecewise continuous function of the coupling with an overall tendency
to decrease with the coupling decreasing.
А.О.Старинец (Центр теоретической физики им. Р.Пайерлса физического
факультета Оксфордского университета, Великобритания)
"Сходимость гидродинамических рядов и дуальная гравитация"
Гидродинамические моды (например, звук) в квантовой теории поля при
конечной температуре и плотности
характеризуются бесщелевыми дисперсионными соотношениями,
представляющими собой бесконечные ряды
по степеням волнового числа в рамках классического гидродинамического
градиентного разложения. Мы рассмотрим вопрос о радиусе
сходимости этих рядов и об аналитическом продолжении дисперсионных
соотношений. Используя методы дуальной гравитации, для некоторых
теорий удается вычислить радиусы сходимости в режиме бесконечной и
сильной связи и показать, что они определяются пересечением уровней
квазинормального спектра дуальных черных бран. Вычисления показывают,
что радиус
сходимости в этих примерах является кусочно-непрерывной функцией
константы связи,
имеющей глобальную тенденцию к убыванию с ослаблением связи.
- 30.06.2021 at 16:00 (Moscow time, in Zoom)
Kyrill A. Bugaev (Department of Physics, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv & Bogolyubov ITP, Kyiv, Ukraine)
"Triple nuclear collisions and new perspectives to explore the matter properties under new extreme conditions" video
We suggest to explore an entirely new method to experimentally and
theoretically study the phase diagram of strongly interacting matter
based on the triple nuclear collisions (TNC). The key element of such
experiments is to use the superthin solid target operated in the core of
two colliding beams [1]. Our approach is based on the successful
data-taking in the LHCb experiment in which the colliding and fixed
gaseous target modes are running simultaneously [2]. The estimates show
that under the high luminosity LHC conditions the TNC rate might reach
an observable level of 1 event over 1000 s.
We simulated the TNC using the UrQMD 3.4 model [3, 4] at the beam
center-of-mass collision energies √s = 200 GeV and √s = 2.76 TeV. We
found that in the most central and simultaneous TNC the initial baryonic
charge density is about 3 times higher than the one achieved in the
usual binary nuclear collisions at the same energies [5]. As a
consequence, a production of protons and Λ-hyperons is increased by 2
and 1.5, respectively, while a sizable suppression of their
antiparticles is observed.
At the beam center-of-mass collision energies of 10-40 GeV, the
production of protons as well as of Λ-hyperons is enhanced approximately
by a factor of 2.2 compared to the binary collisions, while the positive
kaons are enhanced by 1.5. Hence we conclude that in the TNC method it
is possible to create substantially denser strange matter than in the
binary collisions. We argue that this method at lower energies can be of
principal importance for searching the (tri)critical endpoint of the QCD
phase diagram [5].
[1] V. Pugatch, International Conference "CERN-Ukraine co-operation:
current state and prospects“, Kharkiv, 15-May-2018; LHCb-TALK-2018-557.
[2] LHCb Collaboration. SMOG2.Tecnical Design Report. CERN-LHCC-2019-005l.
[3] S.A. Bass et al., Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 41 (1998), 225-370.
[4] M. Bleicher et al., J. Phys. G 25 (1999), 1859-1896.
[5] K. Bugaev et al., talk at the Online «Strangeness in Quark Matter»
Conference 2021, Brookhaven, May 17-22, 2021.
- 16.06.2021 at 16:00 (Moscow time, in Zoom)
D. N. Voskresensky (BLTP JINR)
"About anomalous superfluidity, superconductivity and ferromagnetism in nuclear systems" video
First, I’ll remind superfluid and superconducting properties of the condensate of the complex scalar field. A possibility of s-wave pion condensate and 1S0 nn and pp pairings in baryon matter will be discussed. Response on external static magnetic field (Abrikosov filamentary lattice) and rotation, will be considered. Then I discuss peculiarities of superfluid and superconducting boson sub-systems obeying roton-like spectrum. As example, p-wave pion condensation in baryon matter and specificity of the behavior of the charged pion condensate in external static magnetic field will be discussed. Some similarities in description of cold two-component dipolar gases and pion condensate will be mentioned. Then focus will be made on the study of phases of the complex neutral and charged vector boson coupled with magnetic field by the Zeeman coupling. I will discuss presence of nonmagnetic and ferromagnetic superfluid phases. It will be shown that in a strong magnetic field spin-triplet pairing and ferromagnetic superfluidity continue to exist above the ``old'' phase-transition critical temperature. Spin-triplet pairing of neutral and charged fermions at negligible spin-orbital interaction will be similarly considered. Then various sub-phases of 3P2 nn, pp and 3S1 np pairings in baryon matter will be described. A possibility of various color superconducting phases will be mentioned. Some estimates will be done in the BCS limit and beyond.
``Об аномальных сверхтекучести, сверхпроводимости и ферромагнетизме в ядерных системах’’
Сначала я напомню сверхтекучие и сверхпроводящие свойства конденсата комплексного скалярного поля. Будет обсуждена возможность s-волнового пионного конденсата и 1S0 nn и pp спариваний в барионной материи. Далее будет рассмотрен отклик системы на внешнее статическое магнитное поле (нитевидная решетка Абрикосова) и вращение. Затем я обсужу особенности сверхтекучих и сверхпроводящих бозонных подсистем со спектром типа ротонного минимума. В качестве примера будет рассмотрена p-волновая пионная конденсация в барионной материи и специфика поведения заряженного пионного конденсата во внешнем статическом магнитном поле. Будет отмечено сходство в описании холодных двухкомпонентных дипольных газов и пионного конденсата. Затем внимание будет уделено изучению фаз комплексных нейтральных и заряженных векторных бозонных полей со связью Зеемана с магнитным полем. Я обсужу наличие немагнитных и ферромагнитных сверхтекучих фаз. Будет показано, что в сильном магнитном поле спин-триплетное спаривание и ферромагнитная сверхтекучесть продолжают существовать выше критической температуры `` старого '' фазового перехода. Затем, аналогичным образом будет рассмотрено спин-триплетное спаривание нейтральных и заряженных фермионов при слабой спин-орбитальной связи. Далее будут описаны подфазы 3P2 nn, pp и 3S1 np спариваний в барионном веществе. Будут упомянуты различные цвето-сверхпроводящие фазы кваркового вещества. Некоторые оценки будут выполнены в приближении БКШ и за его рамками.
- 14.04.2021 at 11:00 (Moscow time, in Zoom)
Kyrill A. Bugaev (Bogolyubov ITP, Kyiv, Ukraine)
"Advanced Hadron Resonance Gas Model, Chemical Freeze-out of Light Nuclei in High Energy Nuclear Collisions and Resolution of the Hyper-triton Chemical Freeze-out Puzzle" video
The measurements of the light (anti-, hyper-)nuclei at LHC and highest RHIC energies led to a serious discussion of the possible mechanisms of their production, thermalization and chemical/kinetic freeze-outs. A new strategy [1] to analyze the chemical freeze-out of such nuclei produced in high energy collisions of heavy atomic nuclei within an advanced formulation of the hadron resonance gas model will be presented. This strategy is based on two different, but complementary approaches to model the hard- core repulsion between the light (anti-, hyper-)nuclei and hadrons. The first approach uses an approximate treatment of the equivalent hard-core radius of a roomy nuclear cluster and pions, while the second approach is rigorously derived recently in [1] using a self-consistent treatment of classical excluded volumes of light (anti-, hyper-)nuclei and hadrons. By construction, in a hadronic medium dominated by pions, both approaches should give the same results. Applying this strategy to the analysis of hadronic and light (anti-, hyper-)nuclei multiplicities measured by ALICE at √s = 2.76 TeV and by STAR at √s = 200 GeV it was possible to avoid the existing ambiguity in the description of light (anti-,hyper-)nuclei data and to determine the chemical freeze-out parameters of such nuclei with very high accuracy and confidence.
Using this strategy it was also possible to resolve a long standing problem to describe the light (anti-,hyper-)nuclei multiplicities including the hyper-triton measured by the STAR Collaboration, known as the hyper-triton chemical freeze-out puzzle [2]. Its solution was found by employing the hard-core radius of the (anti-)Λ hyperons which was found in our earlier works. One of the most striking results of our analysis made in [2] is that for the most probable scenario of chemical freeze-out at the STAR energy of collisions the obtained parameters allow us to simultaneously reproduce the values of the experimental ratios S3 and S3 which were not included in the fit. Also we were able to elucidate some peculiar properties of the QGP bags at STAR and ALICE energies of collisions.
[1] K. A. Bugaev, O. V. Vitiuk, B. E. Grinyuk, V. V. Sagun, N. S. Yakovenko et al., Second virial coefficients of light nuclear clusters and their chemical freeze-out in nuclear collisions, Eur. Phys. J. A 56, 293--1-15 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1140/epja/s10050-020-00296-5
[2] O. V. Vitiuk, K. A. Bugaev, E. S. Zherebtsova, D. B. Blaschke, L. V. Bravina, E. E. Zabrodin and G. M. Zinovjev, Resolving the hyper-triton yield description puzzle in high energy nuclear collisions, Eur. Phys. J. A 57, (2021) 74–1-12,
- 07.04.2021 at 16:00 (Moscow time, in Zoom)
Masayasu Hasegawa (BLTP JINR)
"Monopole and instanton effects in QCD" video
This research project aims to reveal the effects of magnetic monopoles and instantons in QCD on observables. Monopoles cause quark confinement through condensations in the QCD vacuum, and instantons induce chiral symmetry breaking. The monopoles and instantons closely relate to each other and interact among quarks and gluons in the QCD vacuum. It is not easy to show the relations and interactions among them by phenomenological computations because of the strong interaction in the low-energy of QCD. Therefore, we perform the numerical simulations of lattice gauge theory.
We first add a pair of monopole and anti-monopole, varying the magnetic charges of the monopole and anti-monopole, to the QCD vacua.
We then numerically calculate the observables using the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the overlap Dirac operator that preserves the exact chiral symmetry in lattice gauge theory. The renormalization constants for the chiral condensate, quark masses, and decay constants are considered. We compare the numerical results with the predictions in the random matrix theory, instanton liquid model, instanton vacuum, etc., and evaluate the effects on the observables.
We have found that the additional monopoles and anti-monopoles make instantons and anti-instantons without changing the vacuum structure [1]. We discover the effects of the created instantons and anti-instantons on the observables with increasing the number density of instantons and anti-instantons as follows [2]: the chiral condensate (negative values) decreases, light quark masses become heavy, and decay constants and masses of the light mesons increase. The decay width and lifetime of the charged pion are estimated using these outcomes. The decay width of the charged pion becomes wider than the experiment, and the lifetime of the charged pion becomes shorter than the experiment. Finally, we obtain quantitative relations among these observables and the number density of instantons and anti-instantons.
In this seminar, I will talk about new research results [2].
[1] A. Di Giacomo and M. Hasegawa, Instantons and monopoles, Phys. Rev. D 91, 054512 (2015).
[2] M. Hasegawa, Monopole and instanton effects in QCD, J. High Energ. Phys. 2020, 113 (2020).
- 31.03.2021 at 16:00 (Moscow time, in Zoom)
Yu. B. Ivanov (BLTP JINR)
"Particle polarization in heavy-ion collisions at moderately relativistic energies" pdf video
Predictions for the global Λ polarization in Au+Au collisions in current and upcoming experiments at moderately relativistic energies, 2.4≤√s_NN≤12 GeV, are made. The simulations were performed within the model of the three-fluid dynamics with three different equations of state. It is predicted that the global polarization increases with the collision energy decrease. At√s_NN≈3 GeV this increase slows down or even a maximum is reached, depending on the centrality. Expansion of the rapidity window, in which the polarization is measured, results in the global polarization increase. This indirectly indicates that the global polarization is larger outside the midrapidity region than that in the midrapidity. Possibility of measuring the polarization of hyperons at moderately relativistic collision energies, which are and will be available at various laboratories, are analyzed. Whereas the collision dynamics becomes less equilibrium with the collision energy decrease, all presently available approaches to the particle polarization are based on the assumption of thermal equilibrium. Therefore, the problem of thermalization in nuclear collisionsis analyzed. It is found that the equilibrium is achieved at the freeze-out stage, only this equilibration takes longer at moderately relativistic energies.
- 24.03.2021 at 16:00 (Moscow time, in Zoom)
Anastasia Golubtsova (BLTP JINR)
"On rotating quark-gluon plasma within the holographic approach"
We consider a 5d Kerr-AdS black hole to describe a rotating quark-gluon
plasma using the holography duality.
We study thermodynamics of the 5d Kerr-AdS black holes. We find that
rotation has an influence on the first order phase transition, namely,
it decreases the critical temperature.
We also discuss heavy quark dynamics in the quark-gluon plasma. For our
analysis we follow up the holographic approach, where the motion of a
heavy quark in QGP is dual to an open string with an endpoint at the
boundary of the background under consideration. In our case the string
is stretched down from the Kerr- AdS space boundary to the black hole
The dynamics of the string is described by the Nambu-Goto action. To
solve the corresponding equations we expand an ansatz for solutions in
series by a rotating parameter, then we solve the linearized version of
these equations of motion and calculate the components of conjugate
momenta. According to the holographic dictionary the force that acts on
a heavy quark moving in QGP is related to the components of the
conjugate string momenta. We also find the thermal mass of the quark at
rest, that is associated to the total energy of the straight static
string. We perform calculations both in Boyer-Lindquist
(rotating-at-infinity frame) and AdS (static-at-infinity frame)
coordinate systems and find a good agreement with the results obtained
from the holographic model of the lower dimension.
- 10.03.2021 at 16.00 (Moscow time) (in Zoom)
Willian Serenone (Universidade Estadual de Campinas)
"Λ polarization from thermalized jet energy" video
We examine the formation of vortical "smoke rings" as a result
of thermalization of energy lost by a jet. We simulate the formation and
evolution of these rings using hydrodynamics and define an observable
that allows to probe this phenomenon experimentally. We argue that
observation of vorticity associated with jets would be an experimental
confirmation of the thermalization of the energy lost by quenched jets,
and also a probe of shear viscosity.
- 03.03.2021 at 11.00 (Moscow time) (in Zoom)
A.A. Roenko (BLTP, JINR)
"Influence of rotation on the confinement/deconfinement transition in gluodynamics" video
The influence of relativistic rotation on the confinement/deconfinement transition in gluodynamics has been studied within lattice simulation. The simulation has been performed in the reference frame which rotates with the system under investigation, where rotation is reduced to external gravitational field. To study the confinement/deconfinement transition the Polyakov loop and its susceptibility are calculated for various lattice parameters and the values of angular velocities which are characteristic for heavy-ion collision experiments. Different types of boundary conditions (open, periodic, Dirichlet) are imposed in directions, orthogonal to rotation axis. The obtained results show that the critical temperature of the confinement/deconfinement transition in gluodynamics increases with increasing angular velocity. This conclusion does not depend on the boundary conditions used in our study. The results of this investigation and other works devoted to rotating QCD are discussed.
В рамках решеточного моделирования исследовано влияние вращения на фазовый переход конфайнмент/деконфайнмент в глюодинамике. Моделирование проводилось во вращающейся системе отсчёта, где вращение задается с помощью внешнего гравитационного поля. Для изучения перехода конфайнмент/деконфайнмент были вычислены значения петли Полякова и ее восприимчивости для различных параметров решётки и угловых скоростей, характерных для экспериментов по столкновению тяжёлых ионов. При расчётах были использованы различные граничные условия (открытые, периодические, Дирихле) в направлениях, перпендикулярных к оси вращения. Полученные результаты показывают, что критическая температура перехода конфайнмент/деконфайнмент квадратично растёт с увеличением угловой скорости, причём данный вывод не зависит от используемых граничных условий. Обсуждаются результаты проведённого исследования, а также результаты других теоретических работ, посвященных изучению вращающейся КХД.
- 24.02.2021 at 16.00 (Moscow time) (in Zoom)
A.S. Parvan ( BLTP, JINR, Dubna, Russia and DFT, IFIN-HH, Bucharest, Romania)
"Scaled variables and the quark-hadron duality" video pdf pptx
The thermodynamic quantities of the ideal gas of hadrons and the (2+1)-flavor lattice QCD scaled by the effective degeneracy factors of the corresponding models are compared. We have found that in terms of the scaled variables the quark-hadron duality of the lattice QCD and the hadron resonance gas (HRG) model disappears. However, we have revealed that the scaled variables lead to the quark-hadron duality of the lattice QCD and the quantum ideal gas of kaons and antikaons, namely, the ideal gas of those hadrons that contain all the three quarks u,d,s and their antiquarks. Satisfactory agreement between the scaled results of the kaon ideal gas and the lattice QCD data is achieved at large values of the volume in the entire temperature range. In the ideal gas of kaons there is no any phase transition. Nevertheless, in our calculations the scaled thermodynamic quantities of the ideal gas and the lattice QCD follow the same qualitative behavior and are consistent with each other especially at high temperatures in the perturbative region and the Stefan–Boltzmann limit.
Проведено сравнение термодинамических величин идеального газа адронов и решеточной КХД с (2+1)-ароматом, масштабированных с помощью эффективных факторов вырождения соответствующих моделей. Мы обнаружили, что, с точки зрения масштабированных переменных, кварк-адронная дуальность решеточной КХД и модели адронного резонансного газа (HRG) исчезает. Однако мы обнаружили, что масштабированные переменные приводят к кварк-адронной дуальности решеточной КХД и квантового идеального газа каонов и антикаонов, а именно, идеального газа тех адронов, которые содержат все три кварка u, d, s и их антикварки. Удовлетворительное согласование масштабированных результатов идеального газа каонов и данных решеточной КХД достигается при больших значениях объема во всем диапазоне температур. В идеальном газе каонов фазовый переход отсутствует. Тем не менее, в наших расчетах масштабированные термодинамические величины идеального газа каонов и решеточной КХД следуют одинаковому качественному поведению и согласуются друг с другом, особенно при высоких температурах в пертурбативной области и в пределе Стефана – Больцмана.
- 17.02.2021 at 16.00 (Moscow time) (in Zoom)
Trambak Bhattacharyya (BLTP JINR)
"Tsallis Quantum Distributions and Propagation of Non-linear Waves in QGP" video
Unapproximated Tsallis quantum single-particle distributions can be
derived using the techniques of the Tsallis statistical mechanics in
terms of a series summation. Unlike the classical case, the zeroth-order
terms of the sums representing the quantum single-particle distributions
do not have a similarity with the phenomenological distributions used in
the literature. However, taking the factorization approximation enhances
this similarity. We employ these factorized zeroth-order Tsallis quantum
distributions to calculate the thermodynamic variables and the equation
of state and study the propagation of energy density perturbation in a
hot, ideal, and non-extensive quark-gluon medium.
- 25.11.2020 (in Zoom)
Alejandro Ayala (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico)
"Core meets corona: Lambda and anti-Lambda polarization in
peripheral high-energy heavy-ion collisions"
The STAR Beam Energy Scan program has found a remarkable
behavior for the global polarization of Lambdas and anti-Lambdas
produced in peripheral high-energy Au + Au collisions: the latter is larger than
the former for lower collision energies and the difference decreases
with increasing collision energy. In this talk I show that a two-component
source to model the collision region, consisting of a high density core
and a lower density corona, can quantitatively describe the behavior of
these polarizations as functions of the collision energy. The calculation makes use of the relaxation times that s-quarks and -antiquarks produced in the core take to align with the thermal vorticity during the life-time of the quark-gluon plasma phase that I also show how can be computed from a thermal field theoretical approach. I show that, in spite of the fact that s-antiquarks (that hadronize into anti-Lambdas) take longer to align their spins compared to s-quarks (that hadronize into Lambdas), when combining this information with the larger abundance of Lambdas compared to anti-Lambdas in the corona, the polarization excitation function can be
well described.
- 23.09.2020 at 16.00 (Moscow time) (in Zoom)
G. Yu. Prokhorov (BLTP JINR)
"Проявления квантовых аномалий в статистической физике: Киральный
вихревой эффект" (по материалам кандидатской диссертации)
В последнее время активно обсуждается связь между релятивистской
гидродинамикой и квантовой теорией поля. Так, показано, что прямым
следствием киральной квантовой аномалии является возникновение
кирального тока во вращающейся среде вдоль направления угловой скорости
- явление известное как Киральный вихревой эффект. Нами были вычислены
высшие поправки к данному эффекту по угловой скорости и ускорению на
основе фундаментального оператора плотности Зубарева. Для этого впервые
описан алгоритм вычисления высших порядков теории возмущений по тепловой
завихрённости в рамках квантовой теории поля при конечных температурах.
С помощью другого квантово-статистического метода ковариантной функции
Вигнера был найден алгоритм нахождения непертурбативных средних
физических величин. Данный алгоритм позволил получить точную в рамках
этого метода формулу для кирального тока, позволяющую сделать вывод о
роли угловой скорости и ускорения в гидродинамике. А именно, угловая
скорость играет роль действительного химического потенциала. Следствием
данной концепции является показанный нами новый эффект подавления
аксиального тока при угловой скорости меньшей массы. Ускорение при этом
появляется как мнимый химический потенциал. Следствием этой концепции
является появление нестабильности в токе при температуре Унру.
- 10.06.2020 at 16.00 (Moscow time) (in Zoom)
V.V. Braguta (ITEP and BLTP JINR)
"Изучение влияния вращения на свойства КХД" video
Доклад посвящен изучению влияния вращения на фазовый переход
конфайнмент/деконфайнмент в SU(3)-глюодинамике в рамках
решеточного моделирования. Для проведения моделирования мы переходим
во вращающуюся систему отчета, где вращение задается с помощью
внешнего гравитационного поля. Фазовый переход
конфайнмент/деконфайнмент изучается путем вычисления петли Полякова,
ее восприимчивости и др. наблюдаемых
для разных значений температур и угловых скоростей. Нами обнаружено,
что критическая температура перехода конфайнмент/деконфайнмент
в SU(3)-глюодинамике увеличивается с ростом угловой скорости. В
докладе обсуждаются полученные результаты, а также результаты
различных теоретических работ, посвященных изучению вращающейся КХД.
- 03.06.2020 (in Zoom)
Giorgio Torrieri
(Campinas State University, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
"Fluctuating relativistic hydrodynamics from Crooks fluctuation theorem" pdf, video
Using the Zubarev definition of hydrodynamics and Crooks
fluctuation theorem we try to develop a theory of relativistic
hydrodynamics including microscopic fluctuations, both at the level of
the equilibrium and the dissipative part of the energy-momentum tensor.
We conjecture this formulation leads to thermodynamic uncertainty
relations equivalent to "bottom-up" lower limits for dissipation in
strongly coupled systems. We discuss possible extensions of this
- 16.01.2020
Giorgio Torrieri
(Instituto de Fisica Gleb Wataghin, Universidade Estadual de Campinas,
Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil)
"Relativistic fluid dynamics and its extensions as an effective field theory" pdf
We examine hydrodynamics from the perspective of an effective field
theory. The microscopic scale in this case is the thermalization scale,
and the macroscopic scale is the gradient, with thermal fluctuations
playing the role of ℏ. We argue that this method can be applied both, to
consistently include thermal fluctuations in the theory, and to extend
hydrodynamics to systems whose microscopic structure is non-trivial. For
the latter, we discuss the case of spin polarization and gauge theories.
- 18.12.2019
V. V. Skalozub (Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, Dnipro, Ukraine)
"Induced charges and fields in QGP and dense fermion media inmagnetic fields at finite temperature" pdf
In QCD, the deconfinement phase transition is accompanied by the creation of the A0=const gluon condensate and strong temperature dependent chromomagnetic H^3,H^8 and usual magnetic H^em fields. A gauge invariance of the A0 condensation is proven within the Nielsen identity method. It is shown that the effectiveaction accounting for the one-loop, two-loop and plasmon diagrams satisfies the Nielsen identity. At this background, the color charges Q3_ind and Q8_ind are generated. They are temperature dependent and produce related color electric fields E3_color and E8_color.
Similar phenomenon - generation of induced electric charge Qel_ind and electric field E_ind - happens in a dense fermionic media with non-zero chemical potential. We investigate that at finite temperature and externalmagnetic field.
All these may serve as the signals of the phase transitions - creation of either quark-gluon plasma or fermionic media.
- 16.12.2019
Захар Хайдуков (ИТЭФ и МФТИ)
"Киральные эффекты и их связь с топологией импульсного пространства" pdf
В докладе будут обсуждаться механизмы защиты киральных эффектов от
перенормируемости и их связь с топологическими инвариантами в импульсном
пространстве. Работа данных механизмов будет явно проиллюстрирована на
примере эффекта разделения киральностей и кирального вихревого эффекта.
В последнем случае в рамках полученного формализма будет показано
существование нового кирального эффекта, связанного с присутствием поля
Кроме того, будут обсуждаться поправки к киральному вихревому эффекту и
эффекту разделения киральностей, связанные с конечным размером системы.
- 25.09.2019
Lucia Oliva (GSI, Darmstadt & ITP, Goethe-Universit ̈at, Frankfurt am Main)
"Investigating relativistic proton-nucleus collisions and the influence of
electromagnetic fields on final hadronic observables" pdf
The recent experimental observations of azimuthally anisotropic flow in
small systems at RHIC and LHC energies has stimulated new interest in
these collisions, traditionally regarded only as control measurements for
heavy-ion collisions and now becoming a new area of study for the
formation and evolution of quark-gluon plasma. In the early stage of
proton-nucleus collisions extremely intense electromagnetic fields are
produced; respect to heavy-ion collisions, in these asymmetric systems the
electric field generated along the impact parameter axis is very high and
comparable to the magnetic field perpendicular to the reaction plane.
Furthermore, particle rapidity densities are strongly asymmetric inside
the overlap area due to the different number of nucleons in the colliding
nuclei. One of the main effects of this combined asymmetry of
electromagnetic fields and particle distributions is a splitting in the
directed flow of positively and negatively charged mesons in the
nucleus-going side. By means of microscopic calculations within the
Parton-Hadron-String Dynamics (PHSD) approach we study the main features
and final hadronic observables of p+Au reaction at top RHIC energy,
investigating in particular the influence of the electromagnetic fields on
flow anisotropies.
- 31.07.2019
Vladimir Voronin (BLTP), Sergei Nedelko (BLTP)
"Finite size effects for QCD effective potential"
Finite size effects for QCD effective potential of Abelian
(anti-)self-dual gluon field are studied. The
effective potential is calculated within the framework of zeta function
regularization for spherical four-dimensional domain of radius
R in Euclidean four-dimensional space-time.
It is shown that gluon and quark quasi-zero modes play important role in
the dependence of the effective potential both on the background field
strength and the domain size.
The infinite-size strong-field limit of the effective potential, that is
determined by the asymptotic freedom, requires treatment of the quasi-zero modes
beyond one-loop approximation.
It is shown that under certain conditions global
minimum of the effective potential exists at finite nonzero values of both
background field strength and domain size $R$. Existence of such a
minimum would strongly support the mean field description of QCD vacuum
in terms of statistical ensemble of almost everywhere homogeneous
(anti-)self-dual Abelian gluon fields. As has been shown earlier, such a
description of QCD vacuum demonstrates highly promising features for
studying confinement, chiral symmetry realization and hadronization in QCD.
- 24.07.2019
K.A. Bugaev (BITP, Kiev)
"Recent signals of two QCD phase transitions in heavy ion collisions in the
NICA-FAIR energy range of collisions" pdf
During last few years two groups based on many irregularities and possible
signals independently suggested that the 1-st order phase transition of
chiral symmetry restoration in hadronic phase may occur in the central
nuclear collisions at the center-of-mass energies 3.8–4.9 GeV, while a
weaker deconfinement phase transition of 2-nd order may be reached at the
center-of-mass collision energies 9-10 GeV. Later on the third group
studying the fluctuations of light nuclei concluded that the
center-of-mass collision energy 8.8 GeV may be the nearest vicinity of the
critical endpoint of QCD matter phase diagram. Hence in this talk I will
present the most striking signals of two QCD phase transitions which are
deduced from the existing experimental data.
Based on a recent analysis of the data description quality factor of 10
existing event generators of nucleus-nucleus collisions in the range of
center of mass collision energies from 2.1 GeV to 17.3 GeV I will present
the arguments which provide an independent evidence that two QCD phase
transitions occur at the center-of-mass energies 3.8–4.9 GeV and 9-11
GeV. The prospects for detecting these phase transitions at NICA-FAIR
energy range will be discussed as well.
- 06.06.2019
Yuri Sinyukov (BITP, Kiev)
"Space-time picture and bulk observables in relativistic heavy ion
collisions" pdf
We analyze the experimental data in nucleus-nucleus collisions at the
RHIC and LHC, such as the particle number ratios,
hadron&photon spectra and their anisotropy coefficients v_n, also
femtoscopy correlations, within the full evolutionary model .
The latter includes formation of the initial state and initial conditions
in relativistic heavy ion collisions,
a gradual (partial) thermalization of the matter created, subsequent
viscous hydrodynamic relativistic
expansion of quark-gluon plasma, hadronization process, particlization of
the hadron matter and, finally,
scattering of secondary particles and spectra formation. Within such an
integrated HydroKinetic Model (iHKM)
we predict some effects and present the physical interpretation of the
- 29.05.2019
Maria Paola Lombardo (INFN Sezione di Firenze)
"Topology of strong interactions, between the QCD and the EW transition. " pdf
Strong interactions' topology is a rich theoretical subject with
phenomenological implications: at low temperature topology
holds the key to a complete understanding of the hadron spectrum;
around the QCD transition the interplay of topology,
axial and chiral symmetries affects the nature of
the hot medium and possibly its experimental signatures; for
even higher temperatures, topology determines the density of
the QCD axions, which are
candidate dark matter particles. The talk will focus on results
for the topological charge, its susceptibility and its correlator
in the QCD plasma, and on their implications on the aspects
outlined above.
- 2.04.2019
Anastasia Golubtsova (BLTP)
"Lectures on Holography for QCD. Lecture 2."
In this lecture we will focus on the AdS/CFT correspondence for the thermal
We will discuss the holographic dictionary and applications of the AdS/CFT
duality to equilibrium physics. Namely,
-Types of 5d black holes.
-Black hole thermodynamics and free energy of the dual theory.
-The Hawking-Page phase transition as the holographic encoding of
-Holographic dictionary for QGP.
- 21.02.2019
M. Bordag (Universität Leipzig, Germany) and V. Skalozub (Dnipro National University, Ukraine)
"Scattering of photons on $A_0$-background in a quark-gluon plasma"
In heavy ion collisions a quark-gluon plasma is supposed to be created whose temperature is in the deconfinement region allowing for a quasiparticle description. Within this description condensate fields may exist. We focus on a spontaneously generated $A_0$-background, which is equivalent to an imaginary chemical potential. The corresponding symmetry breaking invalidates the Furry theorem and allows for non-vanishing tadpole and triangle diagrams. First we consider a tadpole diagram (closed quark line). It can be easily re-summed and results in a redefinition of $A_0$. Next, we consider a triangle diagram with two external photon lines and a quark current in the third vertex. We discuss the resulting scattering of photons.
- 13.02.2019
Anastasia Golubtsova (BLTP)
"Lectures on Holography for QCD. Lecture 1. Overview of the AdS/CFT correspondence"
-Motivation from QCD
-Symmetries of AdS and CFT
-Holographic vocabulary
-Temperature and black holes
-Free energy and renormalization
-Chemical potential
- 23.01.2019
Anastasia Golubtsova (BLTP)
"More on holographic duals for QCD, towards finite chemical potential" pdf
In this talk we will discuss of the solvable holographic
model for QCD presented in arXiv:1803.06764.
We will consider in the detailed form the holographic dual governed by
the two exponential dilaton potential. The solutions to this model can be
interpreted as RG flows interpolating between different fixed points
including those corresponding to AdS boundaries. The generalization to the
non-zero temperature case will be presented. We will also illuminate
possible ways of introducing finite chemical potential via holographic
- 26.12.2018
V.I. Zakharov (ITEP, Moscow)
"Imaginary Acceleration (based on arXiv:1807.03584 [hep-th])" pdf
- 25.12.2018
A.B. Larionov (Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich & FIAS, Frankfurt am Main & NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow)
"Nucleus- and particle-nucleus collisions in the
Giessen Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck model (GiBUU)" pdf
Microscopic transport approach can be applied to a broad range of inclusive nuclear
where the quantum states of the outgoing nuclear systems are not resolved.
The latter condition facilitates the use of single-particle distribution functions,
i.e. Wigner functions in 6-dimensional phase space. In the semiclassical approximation,
the time evolution of a Wigner function for the system of fermions is described by
the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck equation which includes the mean field potential
and collision term with Pauli blocking factors. The most powerful method to solve
this equation
is based on the test particle method and the Monte-Carlo simulation of the collision
Based on this method, large number of numerical models have being developed.
GiBUU is one of the most elaborated microscopic hadronic transport models.
The basic features of the GiBUU model will be presented.
The applications of the model to heavy-ion collisions at the beam energies of 1-40 A
to antiproton- and photon-nucleus reactions will be discussed.
- 25.12.2018
Igor N. Mishustin (NRC Kurchatov Institute, Moscow and FIAS, Frankfurt)
"Phase transitions in hot nuclear matter composed of nucleons and
alpha-particles" pdf
The finite-temperature equation of state of chemically-equilibrated
mixture of
alpha particles and nucleons is studied in the mean-field approximation.
We use
Skyrme-like parametrization of the mean-field potentials as functions of
particle densities, which contain both attractive and repulsive terms. The
diagram of the alpha-nucleon mixture is studied with a special attention to
possible phase transitions. We have found two first-order phase
transitions of
liquid-gas type, stable and metastable, which differ significantly by the
fractions of alpha particles. It is shown that alpha particles can also
form a
Bose condensate, but this state is metastable.
- 05.12.2018
Natalia Kolomoyets, Vladimir Skalozub (Dnipro National University, Ukraine)
"Screening mass of gluons in presence of external Abelian chromomagnetic field" pdf
Screening mass is the main macroscopic characteristic of a gauge field at finite
temperature. It shows how fast the gauge field decreases in space.
There are electric and magnetic screening masses. It is known that in SU(N) gauge
theory the former one is proportional to $gT$, while the second
one is proportional to $g^2T$. So, at high temperature the magnetic mass is much
less than electric one, and is harder to investigate.
In the current research the contribution of various color components of
chromomagnetic field into the magnetic mass is investigated by methods of
lattice gluodynamics at finite temperature. The interaction between a
monopole-antimonopole string and external neutral Abelian chromomagnetic field is
considered. The string is introduced in the standard way described by Srednicki and
Susskind. The neutral Abelian field is introduced in the form of a
flux through the twisted boundary conditions. Monte Carlo simulations are performed
on 4D lattices. The derivative of the free energy with respect to
the inverce coupling is the measured quantity.
In SU(2) case in the absence of the external Abelian flux, the result by DeGrand and
Toussaint is reproduced. We have obtained that the flux
addition weakens the screening of the string field. The contribution of the neutral
Abelian flux to the measured quantity has the enhancing factor form.
This behavior independently confirms the long-range nature of the neutral Abelian
field reported in the literature.
In SU(3) case even without the additional Abelian flux the absence of screening of
the monopole-antimonopole string has been obtained.
This result is unexpected and is discussed within the context of the results of
other investigations.
- 04.12.2018
Dragos-Victor Anghel (Horia Hulubei National Institute of Physics and Nuclear Engineering, Romania)
"Physics at the meso-scale: toroidal moments and non-extensive entropies" pdf
1. Statistical processes of mesoscopic systems (e.g. nano-, nuclear, and astronomic systems) cannot be described, in general, by the Boltzmann-Gibbs entropy (mainly) because they are not extensive. In such cases, other types of entropies—the so called non-extensive entropies—seem to be better suited for the task. There are different techniques for calculating the equilibrium probability distributions of non-extensive systems, techniques which may not lead to the same results. The justification of these techniques come, eventually, a-posteriori, by comparing the calculated distributions with the ones measured or inferred from the experiment.
In this presentation we propose a general approach for calculating the equilibrium probability distributions, applicable to both, extensive and non-extensive systems, and to any expression of the entropy. We exemplify the procedure by applying it to Boltzmann-Gibbs, Renyi, Tsallis, and Landsberg-Vedral entropies and discuss the results (D. V. Anghel and A. S. Parvan, J. Phys. A: Math Theor. 51, 446002, 2018).
2. Although the multipole decomposition of charge and current densities is almost as old as classical electrodynamics, a whole class of terms has remained unknown for a long time. The history of toroidal moments began with Zeldovich's pioneering work (Zh. Exp. Teor. Fiz. 33, 1531, 1957; Sov. Phys. JETP 6, 1184, 1958). He was the first to note that a closed toroidal current (which cannot be reduced to a usual charge or magnetic multipole moment) represents a certain new kind of dipole.
The necessity for studying the toroidal momentum operator is justified by its large area of applicability in physics at any scale (subnuclear, nuclear, atomic, molecular and condensed matter physics). There is a whole class of particles--the Majorana fermions and self-conjugate bosons--which are not allowed to possess any electromagnetic structure other than toroidal multipole moments and this comes from CPT invariance alone. Meanwhile, the most important facts we need to know about an operator are its spectrum and its eigenfunctions. Consequently, in this presentation we shall solve this problem. In order to do this, we introduce the toroidal momentum operator and study some of its properties. We propose a new set of coordinates in which the operator becomes a simple derivative along one of the coordinates. This enables us to find the eigenvalues and the eigenfunctions (D. V. Anghel, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 30, 3515, 1997).
- 31.10.2018
Roman Zhokhov (IHEP, Protvino), Tamaz Khunjua (Moscow State University)
"Phase diagram and dualities of dense baryonic matter with chiral
imbalance" pdf, pdf
In this talk the phase structure of the dense quark matter has been investigated in the presence
of baryon μ_B , isospin μ_I , chiral μ_5 and chiral isospin μ_I5 chemical potentials in the framework of
Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model with two quark flavors. It has been shown that in the large-N_c limit
( N_c is the number of colors of quarks) there exist duality correspondences at the phase portrait.
The first one is a duality between the chiral symmetry breaking and the charged pion
condensation phenomena. And there are two other dualities that hold only for chiral symmetry
breaking and charged pion condensation phenomena separately. For example, we have shown
that charged pion condensation does not feel the difference between chiral and isospin
imbalances of the medium. The duality between the chiral symmetry breaking and the charged
pion condensation phases has been established for the first time in low-dimensional toy model
for QCD then it has been checked to take place in a more realistic effective model for QCD. One
of the key conclusions of our studies is the fact that chiral imbalance generates charged pion
condensation in dense baryonic/quark matter. It was also shown that our results in particular
cases are consistent with the simulation of lattice QCD, which is possible for isospin and chiral
chemical potentials. Moreover, in a number of works, catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking by
chiral imbalance was predicted, but there were also works that predict the opposite effect. After
lattice calculations that confirmed the effect of catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking, we can, of
course, say that the problem has been solved, but it would be interesting to find out the reasons
for the discrepancy between the results of effective models. We have made a small step in this
direction and showed that, based on the dualities and the well-studied properties of the phase
structure of QCD with only isotopic imbalance, one can conclude that there should be an effect of
catalysis of chiral symmetry breaking. It was also shown that the fact that the chiral imbalance
generates the phenomenon of charged pion condensation in dense baryonic/quark matter also
remains true for the case of charge neutral matter, which is interesting in the context of the
astrophysics of neutron stars. It is known that chiral imbalance can occur in high energy
experiments on the collision of heavy ions, due to temperature and sphaleron transitions. Our
studies show that different types of chiral imbalance can occur in the cores of neutron stars or in
heavy ion experiments where large baryon densities can be reached, due to another
phenomenon - the so-called chiral separation effect (although there were references to this
possibility, we explored it in more details).
- 25.10.2018
Tobias Fischer (Institute of Theoretical Phyiscs, University of Wroclaw, Poland)
"Explosions of massive blue-supergiant stars triggered by the QCD
phase transition " pdf
Motivated from the observations of yet-unexplained explosive phenomena associated with
massive blue-supergiant stars with zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) masses around 50 M_o, new light has been shed on the old idea [1] that the appearance of QCD degrees of freedom may explain such cosmic events [2]. Obeying chiral physics and taking yet-another important observation of the very existence of massive neutron stars of 2 M_o seriously into account, puts
sever constraints on the behavior of the equation of state at supersaturation density (\rho_{sat}). In particular, sufficient stiffness with increasing density is required. Both aspects indicate rather
high densities for the hadron-quark phase transition in excess of 2\rho_{sat} (at zero temperature).
As a consequence, this excludes low- and intermediate mass stars (~ 10 − 15 M_o ) -- they are canonically considered in supernova studies -- from the presence of ’exotic’ high-density phases. On the other hand, during the evolution of very massive core-collapse supernova
progenitors with ZAMS masses of about 50 M_o , significantly higher core temperatures and densities are reached, where the appearance of the hadron-quark phase transition triggers not only the supernova explosion onset but also a millisecond neutrino burst is released. The latter observable signal provides evidence not only for the presence of a 1st-order phase transition at supersaturation density but contains also details about its properties. The future observation of such a feature from the next galactic event will allow us to either confirm such scenario or, if not observed, rule out a (strong) 1st-order phase transition at high densities encountered in astrophysics. In this talk I will review this scenario in the light of presently known constraints from nuclear physics as well as observations. The latter includes the first binary neutron star merger event associated with GW170817 [3]. Furthermore, I will discuss implications for astrophysics, e.g., the remnants from such supernova explosions are massive neutron stars with
quark-matter core of 2 M_o at birth.
Keywords: core-collapse supernovae --- equation of state --- quark matter
[1] I. Sagert, T. Fischer, M. Hempel, G. Pagliara, J. Schaffner-Bielich, et al., ``Signals of the
QCD phase transition in core-collapse supernovae,'' Phys.Rev.Lett., 102, 081101 (2009).
[2] T. Fischer, N.-U. F. Bastian, M.-R. Wu, P. Baklanov, E. Sorokina, S. Blinnikov, S. Typel,
T. Kl¨ahn, and D. B. Blaschke, ``Quark deconfinement as supernova explosion engine
for massive blue-supergiant stars,'' Nature Astronomy (in press), ArXiv e-prints astroph.HE/1712.08788 (2017).
[3] B. P. Abbot, \textit{et al.} [LIGO scientific and Virgo collaborations] ``GW170817: ``Observation of Gravitational Waves from a Binary Neutron Star Inspiral'', Phys.Rev.Lett., 119, 161101 (2017)
- 26.09.2018
Giuseppe Policastro (Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris)
"On some solvable non-conformal holographic models for QCD " pdf
In recent years the holographic correspondence has been shown to be a very useful
tool to get theoretical insight into strongly coupled systems such as the QCD quark/gluon
plasma and strongly correlated electrons among others. I will present a class of holographic
models that are useful toy models, because they can be studied analytically while
having features resembling the real QCD, in particular for the running of the coupling. I
will discuss the black hole solutions in these models that are dual to the plasma, and their
unusual thermodynamic and transport properties as seen in the collective modes
- 03.09.2018
David Fuseau (SUBATECH, Nantes)
"Equation of state at finite temperature
and finite chemical potential using PNJL model
" pdf
We present an equation of state at finite temperature and finite chemical potential
using the PNJL model. The equation of state goes to the next to leading order O(1/N_c) including mesons contributing to the pressure of the medium below T_c. Together
with a new parametrisation of the effective Polyakov loop involving the presence of
quarks in the determination of the critical temperature, we determine pressure
at zero chemical potential matching the result of the lattice and expand to finite
chemical potential. Also derivatives such as the entropy density, energy density, measured
interaction and speed of sound are very similar to lattice results at zero chemical
potential and can be expanded to finite chemical potential. Regarding the finite
chemical potential, the Taylor expansion around zero chemical potential also matches
the results of the lattice. Main applications could be neutron star calculations and
input for transport hadronisation.
- 09.07.2018
Trambak Bhattacharyya (BLTP JINR & University of Cape Town)
"Non-extensive Statistics in High Energy Physics" pdf
We shall discuss the basics of the Tsallis Non-extensive distribution and
afterwards, we discuss the analytical calculations of the Tsallis
thermodynamic quantities and applications
of the Tsallis statistics in multi-particle production and in
characterizing the hot and dense medium (Quark Gluon Plasma) created in
high energy collisions.
- 04.07.2018
S. Khlebtsov, Y. Klopot (BLTP JINR), A. Oganesian, O. Teryaev
"Dispersive approach to non-Abelian axial anomaly and $\eta$, $\eta'$ production in heavy ion collisions." pdf
We sudy manifestations of strong and electromagnetic axial anomalies in two-photon decays of $\eta$ and $\eta'$ mesons. Applying dispersive approach to axial anomaly in the singlet current, we obtain an anomaly sum rule containing strong and electromagnetic anomaly contributions. The relevant low energy theorem was generalized to the case of mixed states and used to evaluate the subtraction constant of the strong anomaly-related form factor. We made a numerical estimation of the contributions of gluon and electromagnetic anomalies to the two-photon decays of $\eta$ and $\eta'$ mesons and found significant suppression of the gluon anomaly contribution.
We duiscuss the rate of direct production of $\eta$ and $\eta'$ mesons in heavy ion collisions.
- 04.04.2018
G. Prokhorov (BLTP JINR), O. Teryaev
"Anomalous axial current from covariant Wigner function and thermodynamic
equilibrium density operator" pdf
We considered a rotating and accelerated moving medium consisting of
weakly interacting fermions in a state of local thermodynamic equilibrium
based on two different approaches. In the first of the approaches, the
properties of such a medium are described using the covariant Wigner
function. We derived a formula for the axial current outside the
perturbation theory, leading to a Chiral vortical effect in the limiting
case. It is shown that in the limit of massless fermions the terms of
higher orders in the thermal vorticity tensor are mutually compensated.
In order to verify the results obtained, a second approach to the
calculation of the axial current was used, based on the quantum density
functional for a medium with rotation and acceleration. Carrying out the
calculation of thermodynamic averages in the framework of quantum field
theory at finite temperatures in the third order of perturbation theory,
we obtained the mean values of the axial and vector currents. A
generalization is made to the case of a nonzero axial chemical potential.
The results obtained with the help of the Wigner function and the density
operator are compared with each other and with the consequences of other
approaches, such as effective field theory with axial anomalies. Based on
the obtained formulas for the axial current, the correspondence of various
approaches to the calculation of polarization of baryons is justified.
- 14.03.2018
M.I. Krivoruchenko (ITEP & BLTP JINR), D.K. Nadyozhin, A.V. Yudin
"Hydrostatic equilibrium of stars
without local electroneutrality" pdf
"Гидростатическое равновесие звезд в отсутствие локальной
В нерелятивистской теории гравитации найдено общее решение уравнений
гидростатического равновесия двухкомпонентного вещества, состоящего из
ионов одного сорта и электронов, в отсутствие локальной
электронейтральности. Система уравнений гидростатического равновесия
принадлежит семейству сингулярно возмущенных систем обыкновенных
дифференциальных уравнений. В согласии с теоремой Пуанкаре о разложении
и критерием неаналитичности, известным как «аргумент Дайсона», общее
решение имеет существенную особенность по гравитационной константе G в
точке G = 0. Регулярная часть решения определяется, исходя из локально
нейтрального решения в виде степенного ряда по G. Во внутренних слоях
звезды нерегулярная часть решения мала, она может быть найдена с
помощью асимптотического метода ВКБ, хорошо известного в квантовой
механике. Вблизи поверхности звезды регулярная и нерегулярная
компоненты сравнимы, они определяют свойства электронной или ионной
оболочки. При фиксированных массе и радиусе заряд звезды изменяется в
пределах от -0.1 до 150 Кл. Параметры оболочки экспоненциально
чувствительны к вариациям плотности заряда в центре звезды.
Представлены точные общие решения двух моделей звезд, не предполагающие
локальной электронейтральности вещества.
- 07.03.2018
Ya. Shnir (BLTP)
"Rational maps, crystals and multisolitons in the Skyrme model" pdf
Relation between Yang-Mills theory and Skyrme model is discussed.
We consider rational map approach and the structure of multisoliton
solutions of the Skyrme model and the Faddeev-Skyrme model. The properties
of triply periodic Skyrme crystals in the generalized Skyrme model are
investigated. Various scenarios of phase transitions from the low-density
phase to the high-density phase are examined for different choices of the
parameters of the model. Considering the near-Bogomolny-Prasad-Sommerfeld
submodel, we found that there are indications of the phase transition from
a low-density quasi-liquid phase to the high-density symmetric phase of
the Skyrmionic matter.
- 27.02.2018
Andrey Kotov (BLTP JINR & ITEP NRS KI)
"Study of properties of two color QCD at nonzero baryon density by means of
lattice simulation" pdf
Vacuum and finite temperature properties of QCD are well studied due to the
method of
lattice simulations. Unfortunately, in general case lattice simulations cannot
be applied
for QCD at nonzero baryon density due to the sign problem.
In this report we present the results of lattice simulation of the theory
which is free from the sign problem - two color(SU(2)) QCD at nonzero baryon
Both SU(3) and SU(2) theories have many common phenomena and properties and
of SU(2) QCD can provide some information about the properties of real QCD.
Calculations were carried out at zero temperature and with two flavors of
dynamic quarks.
In our study we found several phases of dense two color QCD:
the hadronic phase at small chemical potential (\mu_q); the phase
of Bose-Einstein condensation of scalar diquarks at intermediate
values of \mu_q; the phase with condensation of quark Cooper pairs
at large \mu_q.
At ultrahigh densities (\mu_q~1000 MeV) we found confinement/deconfinement
transition which manifests itself
in rising of the Polyakov loop and vanishing of the string tension.
Properties of the deconfinement phase at large densities are similar to weakly
gas of quarks and gluons, contrary to Quark-Gluon Plasma at large temperatures
and zero baryon density.
- 21.02.2018
O.E. Solovjeva (ITEP)
"Hadrons in a strong magnetic field on the lattice" (in Russian) pdf
"Адроны в сильном магнитном поле на решётке"
Доклад будет посвящён результатам
исследования магнитных характеристик
мезонов и предварительным результатам
в случае нейтрона методами решёточной
калибровочной теории.
магнитная дипольная поляризуемость,
магнитная гиперполяризуемость и
магнитный момент, которые для
большинства мезонов на настоящий
момент не были найдены
экспериментально. Для остальных
мезонов между теоретическими
предсказаниями различных
феноменологических моделей и
полученными данными в настоящее время
наблюдаются существенные
расхождения. Полученные методами
решёточной калибровочной теории
значения магнитной поляризуемости
заряженного пи-мезона согласуются с
предсказаниями киральной теории
возмущений и экспериментально
полученным значением.
- 14.02.2018 Felix Ziegler (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg University)
"Novel lattice simulations for transport
coefficients in gauge theories" pdf
Transport coefficients, such as the temperature-dependent shear and bulk
viscosities, are essential QCD ingredients in the hydrodynamical
description of relativistic heavy-ion collisions. The extraction of the
transport coefficients from lattice simulations is extremely challenging since
a reliable spectral reconstruction from Euclidean data at low frequencies is
required. In standard simulations at finite temperature this reconstruction
is based on the discrete Matsubara frequencies, and is
exponentially hard: the thermal part of the low frequency information is
hidden in the thermal decay of the Euclidean data at large frequencies.
In order to overcome this limitation, we apply the novel approach for
thermal fields on the lattice [1] to gauge fields [2]. The formalism
operates in a non-compact imaginary time domain that leads to continuous
imaginary time frequencies. The quantum evolution is formulated as an
initial value problem and the thermal initial conditions are supplied by a
standard lattice simulation.
We present results for the energy momentum tensor correlation function in
SU(2) Yang-Mills theory in the confined and deconfined phase. Convergence
properties to the standard results at finite Matsubara frequencies are
discussed. Moreover we show first results for the corresponding spectral
functions obtained via the Bayesian BR method [3]. We assess the viability
of the method applied to gauge fields and its ability to provide a robust
estimate for transport coefficients.
[1] J.M. Pawlowski, A. Rothkopf, arXiv:1610.09531 [hep-lat]
[2] J.M. Pawlowski, A. Rothkopf and F. Ziegler (in progress)
[3] Y.Burnier, A.Rothkopf, PRL 111, 182003 (2013)
- 06.12.2017 V.V. Goloviznin, A.M. Snigirev (SINP MSU & BLTP JINR), G.M. Zinovjev.
"Anisotropy of thermal photons and dileptons" pdf
Search for the signals of a new state of matter, quark-gluon plasma (QGP),
is one of the main goals of experiments on heavy-ion collisions at high
energies at modern colliders RHIC and LHC and at coming soon facilities
FAIR and NICA. In this talk the meaningful specific anisotropy in the
angle distribution of leptons with respect to the three-momentum of pair
is predicted as a feasibility signature of synchrotron-like mechanism
resulting from the quarks interacting with a collective confining color
field in the heavy ion collisions. The photon and lepton pair production
rate and the spectrum of pair invariant mass are presented for this new
dilepton source that is apparently not taken into consideration in the
available phenomenological estimates.
- 25.10.2017 Maksim Ulybyshev (Regensburg U.)
"Topologically protected states in 2D and 3D: spin-momentum and
valley-momentum locking mechanisms." pdf
Topological insulator is a special state of matter which has a gap in
the bulk, but hosts gapless surface modes protected by non-tirivial
topological invariant.
Spin-momentum and valley-momentum locking mechanisms (the former one
caused by strong spin-orbital coupling) are the underlying physical
reasons for the appearance of the non-trivial topology of the surface
modes. Topological protection suppresses the backscattering for
electronic states on the surface thus leading to promising potential
applications in "dissipationless" electronic and spintronic devices.
We will review the basic concepts in the field and the most prominent
lattice models hosting the topologically protected modes. Namely, we
will describe the Kane-Mele model on hexagonal lattice in two dimensions
and some lattice models on square and diamond lattices in three
dimensions. We will also describe the possibilities for artificial
engineering of topological insulators with both spin- and
valley-momentum locking mechanisms using the deposition of adatoms in
top of graphene sheet.
The stability of topological insulator against the effects of disorder
and electron-electron interaction will be discussed.
Some connections to Lattice QCD will be also reviewed. For instance, the
prominent Wilson fermions in some region of parameters mimic the
presence of spin-orbital coupling and can be used as a model for 3D
topological insulator.
- 18.10.2017 E.-M. Ilgenfritz (BLTP JINR) (with J.M. Pawlowski, A. Rothkopf (Heidelberg) and A.M. Trunin)
"Transversal and longitudinal gluon spectral functions
across the phase transition
from twisted mass lattice QCD with N_f=2+1+1 flavors" pdf
I report on the first application of a novel, generalized
Bayesian reconstruction (BR) method for spectral functions
to the characterization of QCD constituents. These spectral
functions find
applications in off-shell kinetics of the quark-gluon plasma
and in calculations of transport coefficients. The new BR method
is applied to Euclidean propagator data, obtained in Landau
gauge on lattices with $N_f=2+1+1$ dynamical flavors by the
``twisted mass at finite temperature'' (tmfT) collaboration.
The deployed reconstruction method is designed for
spectral functions that can exhibit positivity violation
(opposed to that of hadronic bound states). The transversal
and longitudinal gluon spectral
functions show a robust structure composed of quasiparticle
peak and a negative trough. Characteristic differences between
the hadronic and the plasma phase and between the two channels
become visible. We obtain the temperature dependence of the
transversal and longitudinal gluon masses.
- 14.06.2017 M. I. Krivoruchenko (ITEP, Moscow & BLTP JINR & MIPT, Dolgoprudny)
"Equation of State of Neutron Matter in the Model of Composite Quark Bag "
"Уравнение состояния нейтронной материи в модели Составного кваркового мешка" pdf pptx
Согласно Дайсону (1957 г.) полюса Кастильехо, Далица и Дайсона (КДД)
обусловлены существованием связанных состояний и резонансов.
Обсуждается новый тип КДД полюсов, связанный с существованием
примитивов Джаффе и Лоу, т. е. полюсов P матрицы или, эквивалентно,
соответствующих им нулей D функции на унитарном разрезе. Уравнение
рассеяния Лоу обобщается на амплитуды, допускающие КДД полюса нового
типа. Связь между КДД полюсами и примитивами иллюстрируется на
примере описания в модели Составного кваркового мешка (СКМ) амплитуд
NN рассеяния в S- и Р- волнах с учетом аналитичности и унитарности
[1]. Фазовый анализ, таким образом, указывает на существование 6-и
кварковых примитивов в каналах 3S1, 1S0 и 3P0. Сигнатура примитива –
нулевая фаза рассеяния с отрицательным наклоном. В зависимости от
характера взаимодействия с континуумом компаунд состояния проявляют
себя в виде связанных состояний, резонансов, или примитивов. Если
взаимодействие испытывает возмущение, компаунд состояние может
изменить свои свойства. В моделях s-канального обмена
электромагнитные взаимодействия, вообще говоря, сдвигают примитивы с
унитарного разреза, превращая их в узкие резонансы. Дана оценка этого
эффекта в рр канале 1S0. Электромагнитные взаимодействия
трансформируют примитив с массой 2000 МэВ в дибарионный резонанс
примерно той же массы и шириной 260 кэВ [2]. В модели СКМ, где NN
взаимодействие описывается в терминах s-канального обмена 6-и
кварковыми примитивами, построено уравнение состояния нейтронной
материи при плотности ниже 0.5/фм^3. Зависимость энергетической щели
сверхпроводящей фазы нейтронной материи от плотности количественно
согласуется с предсказаниями моделей однобозонного обмена [3].
[1] M. I. Krivoruchenko, Phys. Rev. C 82, 018201 (2010).
[2] M. I. Krivoruchenko, Phys. Rev. C 84, 015206 (2011).
[3] М. И. Криворученко, Письма в ЭЧАЯ (2016), в печати.
- 16.02.2017 A. M. Snigirev (Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Moscow)
"Multiparton Interactions in Quantum Chromodynamics"(in Russian) pdf
"Многопартонные взаимодействия в квантовой хромодиамике"
Будет дан обзор результатов, полученных в недавние годы в решении фундаментальной научной проблемы о проверке теории сильных взаимодействий (КХД) в режиме свервысоких плотностей энергии и температур. В этом режиме значительно возрастает роль жестких многопартонных взаимодействий, которые являются важным и значимым фоном при поиске сигналов новой физики на Большом адронном коллайдере (БАК).
Для моделирования двукратных партонных рассеяний необходимо знать двухпартонные функции распределения как решеня соотвествующих уравнений
(обобщение уравнений ДГЛАП). Из этих уравнений следует, что факторизационная гипотеза, часто применяемая для двухпартонных функций распределения при анализе экспериментальных данных по двойным партонным рассеяниям, явно противоречит уравнениям эволюции КХД и может быть использована только как первое приближение в ограниченном интервале изменения масштаба жесткости процесса. С увеличением этого масштаба вклад возникающих динамических КХД корреляций в двухпартонные функции распределения возрастает по сравнению с факторизационной компонентой и может быть экспериментально обнаружен.
Проведенные Коллаборацией D0 в 2010 году на Тэватроне измерения эффективного сечения двойных партонных рассеяний интерпретируются именно как первое указание на эволюцию двойных партонных распределений, которая имеет такой же статус достоверности в КХД, как и уже подтвержденная
экспериментально эволюция одиночных распределений.
- 30.11.2016 Victor Braguta (IHEP, Protvino & ITEP, Moscow & Far Eastern Natl. U., Vladivostok & MIPT, Moscow)
"Study of temperature dependence of QCD viscosity" pdf
We have studied the QCD viscosity in the vicinity of confinement/deconfinement transition in lattice simulations. In particular, we have computed with high accuracy the correlators of energy-momentum tensor in gluodynamics in the temperature range T/Tc=(0.9, 1.5). Using these correlation functions, we evaluated the spectral densty. Using it, we finally calculated the viscosity. The results of the calculation are in agreement with the values of viscosity, obtained in the RHIC experiment.
- 23.11.2016 S.P. Khlebtsov (ITEP, Moscow)
"Analysis of the e+e- ->pi^0 gamma process using anomaly
sum rules approach " pdf
The process $e+e- -> gamma* -> pi^0 gamma$ was considered using time-like pion transition form
factor, obtained in the approach of the Anomaly Sum Rules(ASR). The
total cross section and angular distribution of the process were
calculated. As the result of the comparison with the data it was
shown that ASR approach provides their good description in the
regions far from the pole. Also there was proposed a method allowing
to give reasonable description of data in the region of pole within
the ASR approach. The strong restrictions for the parameters of the
modified ASR approach were obtained.
- 17.08.2016 Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz (BLTP JINR)
"How can lattice QCD describe non-zero baryonic density? Continuation." pdf
The region of large baryonic density is terra incognita in the QCD
phase diagram, at least for ab initio theoretical investigations
usually offered by lattice QCD.
Quenched lattice studies are obviously misleading, and this is known for
20 years when lattice studies with dynamical fermions were turning to the
phase structure of QCD. Dynamical studies are possible, however only with
decreasing reliability, over a region of limited chemical potential. They
give knowledge with controllable precision up to $\mu/T \approx 1$, in
other words, they are practically impossible for cold dense matter and
matter becoming accessible in heavy ion collisions in the energy range
with $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ between 4 and 10 GeV (so far explored only in the BES
extension program at RHIC down to 7.7 GeV). The region of medium
temperatures and $\mu/T >> 1$ and $\mu_B=3 \mu_q \sim 0.8$ GeV (according
to Cleymans et al. 2006) will become the object of much more dedicated
interest in heavy ion collisions planned at facilities like NICA (MPD) and
FAIR (CBM). This can be considered as their brand mark.
In relatively simple terms, I will give an explanation for the unpleasant
situation in lattice theory, which has its roots in the complex phase
problem (a.k.a. "sign problem"), which has prevented a broad activity and
rapid growth of knowledge (as we were to used to get it for zero baryonic
density with $\mu=0$) over the last 10 years.
An intensive search for possibilities to overcome this "technical barrier"
has attracted human and machine resources to these methodical questions
(detracted away from "number crunching"). This initiative is bearing fruit
now and has revealed a number of promising potential escapes. They are all
related either to "dualization" (choosing a conjugated configuration space
for simulations) or "complexification" (choosing a slightly extended
configuration space).
The conference "Lattice 2016" was dominated in a remarkable manner by this
- 10.08.2016 Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz (BLTP JINR)
"How can lattice QCD describe non-zero baryonic density?" pdf
The region of large baryonic density is terra incognita in the QCD
phase diagram, at least for ab initio theoretical investigations
usually offered by lattice QCD.
Quenched lattice studies are obviously misleading, and this is known for
20 years when lattice studies with dynamical fermions were turning to the
phase structure of QCD. Dynamical studies are possible, however only with
decreasing reliability, over a region of limited chemical potential. They
give knowledge with controllable precision up to $\mu/T \approx 1$, in
other words, they are practically impossible for cold dense matter and
matter becoming accessible in heavy ion collisions in the energy range
with $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ between 4 and 10 GeV (so far explored only in the BES
extension program at RHIC down to 7.7 GeV). The region of medium
temperatures and $\mu/T >> 1$ and $\mu_B=3 \mu_q \sim 0.8$ GeV (according
to Cleymans et al. 2006) will become the object of much more dedicated
interest in heavy ion collisions planned at facilities like NICA (MPD) and
FAIR (CBM). This can be considered as their brand mark.
In relatively simple terms, I will give an explanation for the unpleasant
situation in lattice theory, which has its roots in the complex phase
problem (a.k.a. "sign problem"), which has prevented a broad activity and
rapid growth of knowledge (as we were to used to get it for zero baryonic
density with $\mu=0$) over the last 10 years.
An intensive search for possibilities to overcome this "technical barrier"
has attracted human and machine resources to these methodical questions
(detracted away from "number crunching"). This initiative is bearing fruit
now and has revealed a number of promising potential escapes. They are all
related either to "dualization" (choosing a conjugated configuration space
for simulations) or "complexification" (choosing a slightly extended
configuration space).
The conference "Lattice 2016" was dominated in a remarkable manner by this
- 7.07.2016 E.E. Kolomeitsev (Matej Bel University, Slovakia)
"Constraints on the nuclear equation of state. Hyperon puzzle of neutron stars" pdf
Measurements of neutron stars with masses larger or about 2 solar masses
imply that the nuclear equation of state (EoS) should be sufficiently
stiff. The stiffness of the Eos is however restricted from above by the
constraint from the analysis of particle flow in heavy-ion collisions.
The dilemma sharpens if hyperons are included. Since Lambdas and Xi
baryons experience attractive potentials in nuclear matter at the
saturation density, a naive extrapolation of these potentials would lead
unavoidably to the appearance of hyperons in neutron star interiors.
That would soften the EoS and lead to the contradiction with the
observable star masses (so-called hyperon puzzle). We show that this
problem can be resolved if one takes into account a reduction of the
mass of the phi meson which mediates a repulsion among hyperons. We
propose a relativistic mean-field model with hadron masses and coupling
constants depending on the scalar field. All hadron masses undergo a
universal scaling, whereas the coupling constants are scaled
differently. The appearance of hyperons in dense neutron star interiors
is accounted for. The equation of state satisfies well the constraints
known from analyses of the astrophysical data and particle production in
heavy-ion collisions.
- 16.06.2016 Anastasia Golubtsova (BLTP JINR)
"Evolution of holographic Wilson loops in anisotropic quark-gluon
plasma" pdf
In this talk we discuss the evolution of Wilson loops
in anisotropic quark-gluon plasma using the holographic approach.
We evaluate the Wilson loops in both static and time-dependent cases.
The anisotropic time-dependent plasma is dual to Lifshitz-Vaidya
background, while we use a black brane in the Lifshitz-like spacetime
for a finite temperature plasma in equillibrium.
To probe the system we calculate Wilson loops oriented in different
spatial directions. We find that anisotropic effects in the Lifshitz-like
backgrounds are more visible for the Wilson loops lying in the
transversal direction unlike the Wilson loops partially oriented in
the longitudinal one.
- 11.05.2016 Andrey Yudin (ITEP, Moscow)
"Neutrino Signal from Collapsing Supernovae"
"Нейтринный сигнал от коллапсирующих сверхновых" pdf ppt
В докладе будет рассказано о последней стадии эволюции массивных звезд,
заканчивающейся коллапсом ядра и взрывом звезды как сверхновой.
Рассмотрены основные наблюдательные факты о таких событиях. Важнейшей
нерешенной проблемой астрофизики сверхновых в настоящее время является
вопрос о механизме взрыва. Именно нейтринный сигнал является уникальным
источником информации о процессах, протекающих в первые моменты взрыва в
экстремальных условиях коллапсирующего ядра. Будет рассказано о
"стандартном" механизме взрыва и "стандартном" нейтринном сигнале, а
также о различных существующих альтернативах. Особое внимание будет
уделено знаменитой сверхновой SN1987A, нейтринный сигнал от которой,
полученный на ряде подземных детекторов, до сих пор является
единственным случаем регистрации нейтрино от сверхновых. Кроме того,
будет рассказано о возможной "экзотике" при взрыве сверхновой:
образование кварковой или гибридной звезды, рождение стерильных
нейтрино, и о наблюдательных следствиях, позволяющих проверить эти
гипотезы, в частности, по особенностям нейтринного сигнала.
- 04.05.2016 Maxim Andreichikov (ITEP, Moscow)
"Mass spectra of hadrons in strong magnethic field" pdf
"Массовые спектры адронов в сильном магнитном поле"
Mass spectra of neutral mesons and baryons in a strong magnetic field are considered. The spectra are obtained by means of the vacuum correlators approach and by taking into account confinement and perturbative corrections. The results are compared with the lattice calculations.
Рассматриваются массовые спектры нейтральных мезонов и барионов в
сильном магнитном поле,
полученные с помощью метода вакуумных корреляторов с учетом конфайнмента и
пертурбативных поправок. Сравнение с решеточными расчетами.
- 20.04.2016 A. Yu. Kotov (ITEP, Moscow)
"Study of the influence of external effects on the properties of QCD by means of lattice simulation" pdf
"Изучение влияния внешних воздействий на свойства КХД методами решеточного моделирования" (по материалам кандидатской диссертации)
The author of the thesis, A. Yu. Kotov, will present the main results of
his PhD dissertation "Modelling the influence of external effects on the
properties of QCD by means of lattice simulation".
In particular, the following questions will be discussed:
-- lattice calculation of the viscosity of the quark-gluon plasma
including its dependence on temperature
-- first results concerning the properties of two-color QCD with
non-vanishing baryon density
-- study of the phase diagram of QCD with non-vanishing chirality imbalance
-- lattice study of an exotic superconducting phase of QCD under the
influence of very strong magnetic fields.
В докладе будут представлены основные результаты кандидатской диссертации Котова А. Ю. “Моделирование влияния внешних воздействий на свойства КХД на решетке”. В частности, будут обсуждаться следующие вопросы:
-- решеточное вычисление вязкости в кварк-глюонной плазме, в том числе ее зависимости от температуры;
-- первые результаты изучения свойств двухцветной квантовой хромодинамики с ненулевой барионной плотностью;
-- изучение фазовой диаграммы квантовой хромодинамики с ненулевой киральной плотностью;
-- решеточное изучение экзотической сверхпроводящей фазы квантовой хромодинамики в сверхсильных магнитных полях.
- 19.04.2016 Atsushi Nakamura (Far East Fed. Univ., Vladivostok, Russia; Hiroshima Univ., Japan; RCNP, Osaka Univ., Japan; Nishina Center, RIKEN,
Wako/Saitama, Japan)
"Study of QCD Phase Diagram by Heavy Ion Experiments and Lattice QCD
Experiments" pdf
To explore the QCD phase structure, we must study QCD at finite
temperature and density. A first-principle calculation, lattice QCD, is
expected to provide essential information, but it suffers from the
so-called the sign problem. The fundamental tool of lattice QCD is Monte
Carlo simulation of a path integral, but the measure is
complex at finite chemical potential.
In order to avoid this problem, I propose a canonical approach, in which
the grand partition function, $Z(\mu,T)$, is expanded as a
polynomial of the fugacity, $\xi=\exp(\mu/T)$, where $\mu$ and $T$ are
chemical potential and temperature, respectively:
$Z(\mu,T) = \sum_n Z_n(T) \xi^n$, and $Z_n(T)$ are the canonical
partition functions.
Canonical partition functions are related to the net baryon
distribution, which are measured in high energy nuclear reactions,
although the experimentally measured quantity is the net-proton
distribution. Nevertheless, the net-proton multiplicity may be a
proxy of the net baryon distribution.
Other observables, such as the net-charge fluctuation and the
net-strangeness fluctuation, can be measured both in nuclear and
lattice experiments.
- 11.04.2016 D. Ebert (Humboldt Universit\"at Berlin), T.G. Khunjua (Moscow State University), K.G. Klimenko (IHEP, Protvino), V.C. Zhukovsky (Moscow State University)
"Competition and duality correspondence between chiral and superconducting
channels in (2+1)-dimensional four-fermion models " pdf
I will explain the duality correspondence between
fermion-antifermion and di-fermion interaction channels
as established in two (2+1)-dimensional Gross-Neveu
type models with a fermion number chemical potential
μ and a chiral chemical potential μ_5.
The role and influence of this property on the phase
structure of the models are investigated. In particular,
it is shown that the chemical potential μ_5 promotes
the appearance of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking,
whereas the chemical potential μ contributes to the
emergence of superconductivity.
- 24.02.2016 D. Blaschke (Wroclaw University, Poland & BLTP JINR), N.-U. Bastian (Wroclaw University, Poland)
"Three-fluid hydro based event simulation for the NICA energy scan
and a new EoS with first-order phase transition" pdf (D. Blaschke), pdf (N.-U. Bastian)
In the first part of the seminar we present first results of simulating the
NICA energy scan (\sqrt{s_{NN}}=4-11 GeV) with a new event generator that
is based on a three-fluid hydrodynamics description of the early stage of
the collision, followed by a particlization at the chemical freezeout to
join a UrQMD "afterburner" accounting for hadronic final state
We address the directed flow of protons and pions as well as the proton
rapidity distribution for two model equations of state (EoS), with and
without a first order phase transition.
In the second part we present a recently developed hybrid EoS that fulfills
the constraints from compact star phenomenology and describe its advantages
over the
one used in the simulation up to now.
- 18.11.2015 O. Teryaev, R. Usubov (JINR BLTP)
"Hydrodynamic helicity and handedness in heavy-ion collisions" (in Russian)
"Гидродинамическая спиральность и киральность (handedness) в соударениях
тяжелых ионов" pdf
Завихренность и гидродинамическа спиральность в соударениях тяжелых ионов
была изучена в модели Hadron String Dynamics (HSD) посредством
моделирования на компьютере. Завихренность рассматривалась для разных
моментов времени, подтверждена ее зеркальная структура, установленная
ранее в других подходах. Также рассматривается новая величина
"киральность" ("handedness") в разных областях пространства в моделях HSD
и Parton-Hadron String Dynamics.
- 28.09.2015 E.-M. Ilgenfritz (JINR BLTP), V.K. Mitrjushkin (JINR BLTP), I.L. Bogolubsky (JINR LIT), M. Mueller-Preussker (HU Berlin, Germany), V.G. Bornyakov (IHEP Protvino, ITEP Moscow and FEFU Vladivostok) and A. Sternbeck (FSU Jena, Germany)
"Lattice study of gluon and ghost propagators in Landau gauge QCD"
The talk will be given in connection with the submission of a
cycle of publications of the group of authors to the competition
for the JINR award 2015.
I will give an overview over intentions and guiding ideas underlying
the studies of (gauge dependent) propagators in lattice QCD:
-- confinement criteria formulated in terms of propagators
-- control of assumptions underlying continuum approaches
to non-perturbative QCD like Schwinger-Dyson and FRG
-- providing input to continuum approaches to non-perturbative
QCD in order to overcome limitations of lattice QCD (e.g.
non-vanishing baryonic density)
-- problems and ambiguities preventing a unique fixing of the
requested gauge
-- lessons from earlier JINR-Berlin research in the 90-s in
the field of lattice QED
-- change of the infrared paradigm from the "scaling solution"
to the "decoupling solutions"
-- mapping the non-uniqueness of gauge fixing to the family of
ghost boundary conditions specifying the decoupling solutions.
- 24.06.2015 David Blaschke (University Wroclaw (Poland) and BLTP JINR
) "Robustness of the Baryon-Stopping Signal for the Onset of
Deconfinement in HIC"
The impact of the experimental acceptance, i.e. transverse-momentum (p_T)
cut-off and limited rapidity region, on the earlier predicted irregularity
in the excitation function of the baryon stopping is studied. This
irregularity is a consequence of the onset of deconfinement occurring in
the compression stage of a nuclear collision and manifests itself as a
wiggle in the excitation function of the reduced curvature (C_y) of the
net-proton rapidity distribution at midrapidity. It is demonstrated that
the wiggle is a very robust signal of a first-order phase transition that
survives even under conditions of a very limited acceptance. At the same
time the C_y for pure hadronic and crossover transition scenarios become
hardly distinguishable, if the acceptance cuts off too much of the
low-p_T proton
spectrum and/or puts too narrow rapidity window around midrapidity. It is
found that the shape of the net-proton rapidity distribution near
midrapidity depends on the p_T cut-off. This implies that the measurements
should be taken at the same acceptance for all collision energies in order
to reliably conclude on the presence or absence of the irregularity. An
outlook is given to actual perspectives of this study in relation to the
NICA MPD experiment.
- 04.06.2015 A.V. Sadofyev (ITEP, Moscow (Russia) and CTP, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (USA)) "Chiral drag force"
Joint seminar with "Particle Physics".
We showed that there is an anomalous contribution into the drag force
acting on a heavy quark running through the holographic thermal plasma.
This contribution results in a correlation between the chiral magnetic
effect current and the displacement of heavy quarks in a given event. It is
also possible to use the result for further discussion of non-dissipative
nature of chiral effects.
- 03.06.2015 Yu. B. Ivanov (NRC "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow) "Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions within Alternative Scenarios: Directed
and Elliptic Flow" pdf
Analysis of the directed flow ($v_1$)
and transverse-momentum integrated elliptic flow ($v_2$)
in heavy-ion collisions
is performed in the range of collision energies \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.7--39 GeV.
Simulations have been done within a three-fluid model
employing a purely hadronic equation of state (EoS) and two versions of the EoS
with deconfinement transitions:
a first-order phase transition and a smooth crossover transition.
High sensitivity of the proton directed flow to the EoS is found.
The directed flow indicates that the crossover deconfinement transition
takes place in semicentral Au+Au collisions in a wide range of
collision energies 4 < \sqrt{s_{NN}} < 20 GeV.
The crossover EoS is unambiguously preferable for the description of
the most part of experimental data in this energy range.
The obtained results
suggest that the deconfinement EoS's in the quark-gluon sector should be
stiffer at high baryon densities than those used in the calculation.
The latter finding is in agreement with that discussed in astrophysics.
Simulations demonstrate low sensitivity of $v_2$ of charged particles
to the EoS. All considered scenarios equally well reproduce
recent STAR data on $v_2$(charged)
for mid-central Au+Au collisions and properly describe its
change of sign at the incident energy decrease below
\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 3.5 GeV.
The predicted integrated elliptic flow of various species exhibits
a stronger dependence on the EoS.
A noticeable sensitivity to the EoS is found for anti-baryons
and, to a lesser extent, for
$K^-$ mesons.
In particular, the $v_2$ excitation functions of anti-baryons
exhibit a non-monotonicity within the deconfinement
scenarios that was predicted by Kolb, Sollfrank and Heinz.
However, low multiplicities of anti-baryons
at \sqrt{s_{NN}}< 10 GeV
result in large fluctuations of their $v_2$ which may wash out this non-monotonicity.
- 18.03.2015 Anna Radovskaya (Lebedev Institute, RAS, Moscow) "Formation of the equation of state in the early stage of ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions"
We discuss a schematic model describing the evolution of matter
created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.
We employ the Keldysh formalism in order to describe the relaxation
of a quantum field from the initial, highly excited state.
For the case of a homogeneous scalar field we show the emergence of
the equation of state explicitly.
We present a complete description of subleading corrections and discuss
analytical expressions for some of them.
- 26.02.2015 G.Yu. Prokhorov (Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don) "Dynamics of wave fluctuations in homogeneous and isotropic Yang-Mills field condensate and cosmological phase transition in QCD" (in Russian)
"Динамика волновых флуктуаций в однородном и изотропном конденсате полей
Янга-Миллса и космологический фазовый переход в квантовой
хромодинамике" pdf
На численном и аналитическом уровне исследована
самосогласованная задача о взаимодействии
пространственно-неоднородных волновых мод калибровочного поля группы
SU(2) с однородным и изотропным
конденсатом полей Янга-Миллса. Показано, что это взаимодействие
приводит к ранее не известным эффектам перекачки энергии из конденсата в
частицы и возбуждению продольной компоненты калибровочного поля.
теория обобщена на случай суперсимметричной модели N=4.
возможности приложения построенной теории к описанию космологического
фазового перехода в квантовой хромодинамике в ранней вселенной и к
решению проблемы о компенсации отрицательного энергетического вклада
квантово-топологического КХД вакуума.
- 11.02.2015 Genis Musulmanbekov (LIT JINR) "On Production and Polarization of Hyperons in Heavy Ion Collisions. Continuation."
We discuss a schematic model describing the evolution of matter
created in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions.
We employ the Keldysh formalism in order to describe the relaxation
of a quantum field from the initial, highly excited state.
For the case of a homogeneous scalar field we show the emergence of
the equation of state explicitly.
We present a complete description of subleading corrections and discuss
analytical expressions for some of them.
- 28.01.2015 Abdel Nasser Tawfik (MTI University Cairo and Egyptian Center of Theoretical Physics) "Transport Coefficients from SU(3) Polyakov Linear-sigma Model"
In the mean field approximation, the grand potential of SU(3)
Polyakov linear-$\sigma$ model (PLSM) is analysed for the light and
strange chiral phase-transition, $\sigma_l$ and $\sigma_s$, respectively
and for the deconfinement order parameters $\phi$ and $\phi^*$.
Furthermore, the subtracted condensate $\Delta_{l,s}$ and chiral
order-parameters $M_b\,$ are compared with the lattice QCD calculations.
By using the dynamical quasi-particle model (DQPM), which can be
considered as a system of noninteracting massive quasi-particles, we
have evaluated the decay width and the relaxation time of quarks and
gluons. In framework of LSM and when including Polyakov corrections, the
interaction measure $\Delta/T^4$, the specific heat $c_v$ and speed of
sound squared $c_s^2$ have been determined. Furthermore, the thermal
evolution of the normalized quark number $n_q/T^3$ and the
susceptibilities $\chi_q/T^2$ at different baryon chemical potentials
are confronted with the corresponding Stefan-Boltzmann (SB) limits. The
electric $\sigma_e$ and heat $\kappa$ conductivity and their ratio are
compared with the available lattice QCD calculations. The bulk and shear
viscosities normalized to the thermal entropy $\xi/s$ and $\eta/s$,
respectively, and the ratio of bulk and shear viscosities are evaluated
from PLSM compared with the lattice QCD data. Finally, the ratios $(\xi
/s)/(\sigma_e T)$ and $(\eta /s)/(\sigma_e T)$ are calculated.
- 21.01.2015 David Blaschke (JINR BLTP and Univ. Wroclaw, Poland) "Quantum flavor kinetics and chemical freeze-out"
We present current status of a quantum kinetic formulation of the chemical
equilibration process in dense hadronic matter at the hadronization
transition. Delocalization of hadron wave functions at the Mott-Anderson
transition (where their binding energies vanish) lead to a divergence of
scattering lengths and critical enhancement of rearrangement collisions
between hadrons. We exemplify this for different meson-meson scattering
processes from light (pi-pi scattering) to heavy flavors (charmonium
dissociation). On this basis we suggest that chemical freeze-out has to be
correlated with (partial) chiral symmetry restoration.
- 17.12.2014 Martin Kirakosyan (Lebedev Physical Institute of RAS, Moscow) "Collective effects in ultrarelativistic nuclei collisions" (in Russian)
"Коллективные эффекты в столкновениях ультрарелятивистских ядер"
Доклад посвящен результатам представленным в готовящейся к защите кандидатской
диссертации автора. Будут обсуждаться феномен черенковского излучения
глюонов в сильновзаимодействующей среде, турбулентные вклады в поляризацию
кварк-глюонной плазмы, а также феноменология потерь на переходное
излучение на случайных неоднородностях в среде, образующейся в результате
столкновения ядер.
- 12.11.2014 Genis Musulmanbekov (LIT JINR) "On Production and Polarization of Hyperons in Heavy Ion Collisions." ppt
A new mechanism is explained for the interpretation of the non-monotonic,
enhanced yield of hyperons and strange mesons (also known as "horn" effect),
that is observed in central heavy ion collisions in the experiment NA49 at
SPS and confirmed by STAR at RHIC.
We argue that the data indicate the transition of the nucleons in the
overlap region of the colliding nuclei with high nuclear density into a
certain hyperon phase. In semicentral heavy ion collisions a strong magnetic
field and very large orbital angular momentum can be created. The polarization
of hyperons becoming possible due to these phenomena is discussed.
- 03.09.2014 Elena Bratkovskaya (ITP & FIAS, Uni. Frankfurt) "Electromagnetic probes of the QGP." pdf
A review of the latest theoretical results on electromagnetic probes
(direct photons and dileptons) of the QGP in heavy-ion collisions at
ultra-relativistic energies will be presented. While the dilepton
spectra at low invariant mass show in-medium effects like a
collisional broadening of the vector mesons in their spectral
functions, the dilepton yield at high invariant masses (above 1.1 GeV)
is dominated by the QGP contributions for central heavy-ion collisions
at ultra-relativistic energies.
Also we discuss the present status of the photon $v_2$ "puzzle" - one
of the challenging topics related to the large elliptic flow $v_2$ of
the direct photons experimentally observed at RHIC and LHC energies.
It turns out that the photonic $v_2$ is as large as the hadronic
$v_2$, whereas many models predict a very small $v_2$ of photons from
the QGP due to their early emission before the system has developed a
sizeable momentum anisotropy. We investigate the role of hadronic and
partonic sources for the photon spectra as well as the possibility to
subtract the QGP signal from the experimental observables by studying
the centrality dependence of the direct photon yield.
- 27.08.2014 Igor Mishustin (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies, Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main, Germany and
National Research Center "Kurchatov Institute", Moscow, Russia)
"Non-equilibrium Dynamics of the Chiral/Deconfinement Phase Transition." pdf
Observable signals of possible QCD phase transitions are strongly
influenced by the rapid non-equilibrium dynamics during a heavy-ion
collision. In order to realistically estimate these effects we have
developed a non-equilibrium chiral fluid dynamics model, where the
quark-antiquark fluid is dynamically coupled to the order-parameter
fields. The model takes into account dissipation and fluctuation effects
stemming from the interaction between the fluid and the fields. The actual
calculations are done within the linear sigma model with constituent
quarks, coupled to the Polyakov loop. The dynamical trajectories of the
fluid elements on the T-\mu plane are studied for different types of the
phase transition. The effects of supercooling and reheating are clearly
observed in the case of a first-order phase transition. In this case we
see the formation of domains in net-baryon density due to spinodal
decomposition. They should lead to an enhancement of higher harmonics in
azimuthal distributions of net-baryons. It is also demonstrated that
long-wavelength fluctuations near the critical point show a strong
enhancement only in a quasi-static system, but they are suppressed in the
case of a fast expansion.
- 09.07.2014 Ernst-Michael Ilgenfritz (VBLHEP & BLTP, JINR Dubna) (tmfT collaboration) "Thermal crossover, propagators and equation of state from
N_f=2 and N_f=2+1+1 flavors dealt within the twisted mass approach."
A relative majority of European lattice simulations of full QCD have got concentrated
on the twisted mass approach to Wilson fermions (Collaboration ETMC) as opposed
to other (staggered, clover improved Wilson, domain wall etc.) fermion
The "twisted mass at finite temperature" (tmfT) collaboration is a
small group of authors following this approach for simulations at finite temperature,
in particular using the results of ETMC (at a set of
unphysical pion masses) at zero
temperature as input for calibration. Finite temperature simulations have
been performed in order to explore the nature of the phase transition with
two degenerate light flavors (u and d) in the chiral limit and to find
the temperature of the crossover for the physical pion mass.
As a continuation of previous work of the BLTP-Humboldt University
collaboration on Landau gauge gluon and ghost propagators at T=0,
finite-temperature configurations have been used to study the T
dependence of the electric and magnetic gluon propagators in the vicinity
of the crossover. These results are connected with our earlier corresponding
quenched results near to the phase transition of SU(3) pure gauge theory
via the Dyson-Schwinger approach (Ch. Fischer).
The twisted-mass approach with an additional non-degenerate quark doublet,
tuned to realistic s and d quark masses, will be described. The status
of results concerning the temperature of the crossover for would-be pion
masses between 220 and 400 MeV and the contributions of light and heavy
quarks to the equation of state will be reported.
- 07.07.2014 Alexander Botvina (INR-RAS, Moscow, Russia, and FIAS, Frankfurt/Main, Germany) "Production of hypernuclei from excited nuclear residues in relativistic
ion collisions: New opportunities for BM@N and MPD@NICA." pdf
Investigation of hypernuclei is a rapidly progressing field of nuclear
physics, since they give opportunities both to improve methods of
traditional nuclear studies and to open new horizons for studying particle
physics and nuclear astrophysics. Within dynamical and statistical
theories we study the main regularities in the production of hypernuclei
emerging from the projectile and target residues in relativistic ion
collisions. This process will allow to study the mechanisms of peripheral
collisions and the properties of hyper-matter of low temperatures,
including hyperon-hyperon interactions at low energies. We demonstrate
that the yields of hypernuclei increase considerably at beam energies
above the energy threshold for Lambda hyperons (~1.6 AGeV), followed by a
saturation for yields of hypernuclei with increasing the beam energy up
to few TeV [1]. These hypernuclei have a broad distribution in masses and
isospin. They can even reach beyond the neutron and proton drip-lines
since they are stable with respect to nucleon emission [2]. Weak decay of
such hypernuclei may lead to formation of normal nuclei beyond the
drip-lines also, thus providing a unique chance for reaching island of
stability on the nuclear chart. The production of specific hypernuclei
depend strongly on the isotopic composition of the projectile, therefore,
it will be possible to obtain exotic hypernuclei that may be difficult to
reach in traditional hypernuclear experiments [1]. We also show new
calculations including DCM, UrQMD, and HSD models with formation of light
hypernuclei of all rapidities and large hyper-residues, which can be
obtained in the fixed-target experiments. The perspectives of hypernuclear
studies involving these novel processes at the present accelerators are
[1] A.S. Botvina, K.K. Gudima, and J. Pochodzalla,
Phys. Rev. C88, 054605 (2013).
[2] N. Buyukcizmeci, A.S. Botvina, J. Pochodzalla, and M. Bleicher,
Phys. Rev. C88, 014611 (2013).
- 28.05.2014 Masayasu Hasegawa (BLTP JINR) "Chiral symmetry and overlap fermions, instantons and monopoles in
lattice QCD".
At the end of the 90-s it became clear that overlap fermions realize
chiral symmetry to a maximal degree permitted by lattice discretization.
This has opened the way to study the relation between chiral and
topological aspects of QCD vacuum structure.
It is known -- to a large extent due to the work of the Kanazawa-DESY-ITEP
collaboration on one hand and of the Pisa group on the other -- that
monopoles play a crucial role in the confinement mechanism through
monopole condensation and dual superconductivity.
Whereas instantons offer a beautiful mechanism for spontaneous breaking of
chiral symmetry, a direct relation to confinement is not obvious.
The purpose of the present study reported in this seminar is to show a
relation between instantons and monopoles by using the overlap fermions as
an analytical tool. One non-trivial problem is to relate them, despite the
different dimensionality of instantons (4-dimensional event-like) and
monopoles (3-dimensional particle-like). The exact relation remained
unclear in spite of many studies. Therefore we try to clarify the relation
with the help of overlap fermions on the lattice.
In this seminar, first I will introduce the overlap fermions briefly.
Second, I will explain how to create an additional monopole to a given
lattice configuration. Third, I will give some results showing that this
construction is consistent. Finally, I will present some new results
clarifying the relation between instantons and monopoles.
- 14.05.2014 Ludmila Malinina (SINP MSU - JINR) "Femtoscopy of heavy ion and pp collisions at high energies." pdf
The femtoscopic correlations allow one to measure the space-time characteristics of
particle production thanks to the effects of quantum statistics for identical particles and
final state interactions for both identical and non-identical ones. The main features of the
femtoscopy measurements in heavy-ion collisions at SPS and RHIC are i) the value of the
radii almost independent on the beam energy, ii) the increase of the correlation radii with
increasing multiplicity of events and iii) the decrease of the radii with increasing of pair
transverse momentum. These are understood as a manifestation of the strong collective
flow. Such effects were also observed at the LHC with the interferometry volume increased
twice compared with RHIC. The data from Pb-Pb collisions and its comparison with the
dynamical models will be presented. The high multiplicity pp collisions
reach particle densities comparable to the ones measured in peripheral Cu-Cu and Au-
Au collisions at RHIC so it is natural to investigate collective behaviour in pp. The
similarities and differences between pp and heavy-ion data are discussed.
- 7.05.2014 Hans-Peter Pavel (TU Darmstadt & BLTP JINR Dubna) "Low energy QCD in terms of gauge invariant dynamical variables" pdf
Using a generalized polar decomposition of the gauge fields into
gauge-rotation and gauge-invariant parts,
which Abelianises the Non-Abelian Gauss-law constraints to be implemented,
a Hamiltonian formulation of low energy QCD in terms of gauge invariant
dynamical variables can be achieved.
The exact implementation of the Gauss laws reduces the colored spin-1
gluons and spin-1/2 quarks to unconstrained colorless
spin-0, spin-1, spin-2 and spin-3 glueball fields and colorless
Rarita-Schwinger fields respectively.
The obtained physical Hamiltonian naturally admits a systematic
strong-coupling expansion in powers of $\lambda=g^{-2/3}$,
equivalent to an expansion in the number of spatial derivatives.
The leading-order term corresponds to non-interacting hybrid-glueballs, whose
low-lying spectrum can be calculated with high accuracy by solving the
of the Dirac-Yang-Mills quantum mechanics of spatially constant fields (at
the moment only for the 2-color case).
The discrete glueball excitation spectrum shows a universal string-like
behaviour with practically all excitation energy
going in to the increase of the strengths of merely two fields, the
"constant Abelian fields" corresponding to the zero-energy
valleys of the chromomagnetic potential. Inclusion of the fermionic
degrees of freedom significantly lowers
the spectrum and allows for the study of the sigma meson.
Higher-order terms in $\lambda$ lead to interactions between the
hybrid-glueballs and can be taken into account systematically
using perturbation theory in $\lambda$, allowing for the study of
IR-renormalisation and Lorentz invariance.
The existence of the generalized polar decomposition used, the position of
the zeros of the corresponding Jacobian
(Gribov horizons), and the ranges of the physical variables can be
investigated by solving a system of algebraic equations.
Its exact solution for the case of one spatial dimension and first
numerical solutions for two and three spatial
dimensions indicate that there is a finite number of solutions separated
by Gribov horizons.
- 23.04.2014 G.M. Zinovjev (BITP, Kiev), S.V. Molodtsov (BLTP, JINR) "Quark ensembles with infinite correlation length" (in Russian) pdf
"Кварковые ансамбли с бесконечной корреляционной длиной"
Рассматривается ряд точно интегрируемых (кварковых) моделей квантовой
теории поля с бесконечной корреляционной длиной. Отмечается неустойчивость
стандартного вакуумного кваркового ансамбля - моря Дирака
(в случае пространственно-временной размерности выше трех),
связанная с сильной вырожденностью состояния, которая обусловлена
характером распределения по энергии. При стремлении параметра обрезания
по импульсу к бесконечности распределение становится бесконечно узким,
приводящим к большим (неограниченным) флуктуациям.
Проводится сравнение различных вакуумных ансамблей:
моря Дирака, нейтрального ансамбля, цветового сверхпроводника
и БКШ состояния. В случае цветового кваркового взаимодействия,
делается однозначный выбор в пользу БКШ состояния, как основного состояния
кваркового ансамбля.
На основе работы: pdf
- 16.04.2014 Iu. A. Karpenko (FIAS, Frankfurt & BITP, Kiev) "Beam energy scan using a viscous hydro+cascade model
" pdf
Following the experimental program at BNL/RHIC, we perform a similar
"energy scan" using 3+1D viscous hydrodynamics coupled to the UrQMD hadron
cascade, and study the collision energy dependence of pion and kaon
rapidity distributions and m_t-spectra, as well as charged hadron elliptic
flow. To this aim the equation of state for finite baryon density from a
Chiral model coupled to the Polyakov loop is employed for hydrodynamic
stage. 3D initial conditions from UrQMD are used to study gradual deviation
from boost-invariant scaling flow. We find that the inclusion of shear
viscosity in the hydrodynamic stage of evolution consistently improves the
description of the data for Pb-Pb collisions at CERN SPS, as well as of the
elliptic flow measurements for Au-Au collisions in the Beam Energy Scan
(BES) program at BNL/RHIC. The suggested value of shear viscosity is
\eta_s>0.2 for \sqrt{s}=6.3...39 GeV.
- 19.03.2014 I. Ya. Aref'eva (Mathematical Institute, RAS, Moscow) "Holographic description of quark-gluon plasma" ppt
The holographic description of the quark-gluon plasma
permits, in principle, to find the interquark interaction and the meson
spectrum, the thermalization time, the multiplicity of particles
being produced,
as well as the hydrodynamical characteristics of the quark-gluon plasma
produced in heavy-ions collisions.
There are several holographic models providing these physical quantities.
The problem of finding a holographic model that simultaneously gives
reasonable values for all these phenomenological parameters will be discussed.
- 19.02.2014 B.V. Batyunya (JINR, VBLHEP) "ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) results from the LHC" pdf
The following results are considered for p-p, p-Pb and Pb-Pb collisions:
-Event multiplicity,
-Particle species ratios and spectra,
-Nuclear modification factor for charged particles and heavy Quarkonia,
-Resonance production,
-Bose-Einstein Correlations (Femtoscopic Correlations),
-Azimuthal anisotropic flow.
I shall compare with other experiments and theoretical predictions.
The results are discussed from the point of view
of collective effects and the generation of Quark-Gluon-Plasma in
Heavy Nuclear Collisions.
- 29.01.2014 M.V. Altaisky (Space Research Institute RAS) "Perspectives of wavelet bases in simulation of lattice theories" pdf
We consider the perspectives of using orthogonal wavelet expansion with Daubechies wavelets for lattice theories. The discrete wavelet transform have been already applied to simulate the Landau-Ginzburg/Ф4 theory with the assumption that the wavelet coefficients of the order parameter Ф(x) are delta-correlated Gaussian processes in the scale-position space. This reduces the autocorrelation time of simulation, and is not the only merit of wavelet transform. By construction the wavelet transform represents the snapshot of a field at a given scale, and therefore can be used as a tool to study the correlations between fluctuations of different scales. For the same reason the relation of wavelet transform to the renormalization group are considered. We also discuss the prospective of wavelet transform to improve the Metropolis algorithm and the simulated annealing procedure.
- 22.01.2014 Victor Braguta (IHEP Protvino and ITEP Moscow) "Study of the axial magnetic effect" pdf
An axial magnetic field, which couples to left- and
right-handed fermions with opposite signs, may generate in equilibrium
a dissipationless steady energy flow of fermions in the direction of the
field even, in the presence of interactions. We report on a numerical
observation of this Axial Magnetic Effect in quenched SU(2) lattice gauge
theory. We find that in the deconfinement (plasma) phase the energy flow
grows linearly with the increase of the strength of the axial magnetic
field. In the confinement (hadron) phase the Axial Magnetic Effect is
absent. The temperature dependence of the Axial Magnetic effect is
- 15.01.2014 Maxim Ulybyshev (Lomonosov Moscow State University, Institute for theoretical problems of microphysics and ITEP Lattice Group) "Chiral symmetry breaking in graphene: a lattice study of excitonic and antiferromagnetic phase transitions." pdf ppt
I'll present a review of lattice simulations of graphene electronic
properties. Graphene is an example of a system with strongly correlated
electrons which can be described in the low-energy limit by an effective
field theory with very large coupling constant. Therefore it can be a
subject of spontaneous symmetry breaking with the appearance of various
fermionic condensates. The simulations of graphene electronic properties
can be divided into two branches:
1) calculations within the framework of graphene effective field theory
(2 flavours of (2+1)-dimensional massless Dirac fermions strongly
interacting with ordinary (3+1)-dimensional electromagnetic field);
2) simulations of the original tight-binding model on a hexagonal lattice.
Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The main difference
between them are the appearance of different order parameters that
correspond to antiferromagnetic and excitonic phase transitions,
I'll give the review of both approaches emphasizing the relations between
them: how the results of calculations in the low-energy effective field
theory can be compared with the results of simulations on the hexagonal
lattice which take into account the "ultraviolet" behaviour of quantum
- 18.12.2013 D. B. Blaschke, G. A. Contrera, A. G. Grunfeld "Phase diagrams in nonlocal Polyakov-NJL models constrained by Lattice QCD results." pdf
Based on lattice QCD-adjusted SU_f(2) nonlocal Polyakov-Nambu-Jona-Lasinio
(PNJL) models, we investigate how the location of the critical endpoint in
QCD phase diagram depends on the strength of the vector meson coupling,
as well as on the Polyakov-loop (PL) potential and the form factors of the
covariant interaction model model.
These are constrained by lattice QCD data for the quark propagator.
The strength of the vector coupling is adjusted such as to reproduce the
of the pseudocritical temperature for the chiral phase transition at low
potential extracted recently from lattice QCD simulations.
Our study supports the existence of a critical endpoint in the QCD phase
albeit the constraint for the vector coupling shifts its location to lower
and higher baryochemical potentials than in the case without it.
- 13.11.2013 R.G. Nazmitdinov (BLTP JINR) "Elements of Random Matrix Theory and chaos-order transition in finite quantum systems. Continuation." ppt
We briefly discuss basic elements of Random Matrix Theory which can be
used for analysis of spectra of many-body systems. Considering different
systems such as atomic nuclei, quantum dots and quantum billiards, we
demonstrate the universality of the Random Matrix approach as a tool to
detect the chaos-order transition in finite Fermi systems. It is shown
that this transition occurs at certain conditions which give rise to
dynamical symmetries in chaotic dynamics of fermions.
- 06.11.2013 Boris V. Martemyanov (ITEP, Moscow)
and E.-M. Ilgenfritz (JINR) and M. Müller-Preussker (HU Berlin)
"Topological structure of gluodynamics
close to the transition temperature studied in the IR
by low modes of the overlap Dirac operator" pdf
Topological objects of SU(3) gluodynamics near the transition
temperature are studied at the infrared scale with the help of zero and
near-zero modes of the overlap Dirac operator.
We construct the UV filtered topological charge density in three versions
by choosing different temporal boundary conditions applied to this operator.
In the reference case of analytical (anti)caloron solutions the zero modes
would be located, correspondingly, on three types of constituent dyons
(antidyons), which can be considered as the elusive ``instanton quarks''.
Clustering of the three topological charge densities marks the positions of
dyons and antidyons which are approximately recognizable in equilibrium
(Monte Carlo) gluonic field configurations. We classify them either as
constituents of nondissociated (anti)calorons or as constituents of
(anti)dyon pairs or as isolated (anti)dyons. The pattern of the Polyakov
loop, as it is found inside these clusters after a small number of overimproved
cooling steps, resembles predictions made for analytical caloron solutions.
- 30.10.2013 Andrey Kotov (ITEP)
"Non-perturbative study of the viscosity in SU(2) lattice gluodynamics" pdf
A calculation of the viscosity of the gluon plasma has been performed
by lattice simulation of $SU(2)$ gluodynamics on supercomputers.
The calculation focuses on a temperature of $T/T_c=1.2$ .
The evaluation is based on the Kubo-formula relating the viscosity to
the spectral function of the correlation function of the energy-momentum
tensor. Problems of the analytical continuation from Euclidean data to
the real-time spectral function are discussed.
- 23.10.2013 D.N. Voskresensky (NRNU "MEPhI")
"Neutrino cooling of neutron stars" ppt
It will be argued that neutrino emission from dense hadronic component
in neutron stars is subject of strong modifications due to collective
effects in the nuclear matter. With the most important in-medium
processes incorporated in the cooling code an overall agreement with
available X-ray data including new data on Cassiopea A and data on
neutron star masses can be achieved.
- 16.10.2013 Elena V. Luschevskaya (ITEP)
"The \rho and A mesons in a strong abelian magnetic field in
SU(2) lattice gauge theory" pdf
The correlators of vector, axial and pseudoscalar
currents have been calculated in the background
of a strong abelian magnetic field in $SU(2)$
gluodynamics simulated with an improved gauge action.
The neutral $\rho$ and $A$ meson masses with
different spin projections to the axis parallel
to the external magnetic field ${\vec B}$ have
been calculated. The masses of the neutral mesons
with zero spin $S = 0$ decrease with increasing
strength of the magnetic field.
The masses of the $\rho$ and $A$ mesons with spin
$S = \pm 1$ increase with the value of $|{\vec B}|$.
The mass extrapolation and renormalization also
were performed on the lattice.
- 02.10.2013 Andrey Leonidov (Lebedev Institute of Physics, RAS, Moscow)
"Turbulent polarization in QED and QCD plasma" pdf
The possibility of turbulent behavior of dense matter created in
ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions and its experimental manifestations
has recently drawn coniderable attention. In the talk, after a brief introduction
to possible turbulence-related phenomena in heavy ion collisions, we focus on
recent results on polarization properties of Abelian and non-Abelian
turbulent ultrarelativistic plasma. In particular, we discuss possible
turbulence-related instabilities and turbulent modification of plasmon
- 25.09.2013 R.G. Nazmitdinov (BLTP JINR) "Elements of Random Matrix Theory and chaos-order transition in finite quantum systems"
We briefly discuss basic elements of Random Matrix Theory which can be
used for analysis of spectra of many-body systems. Considering different
systems such as atomic nuclei, quantum dots and quantum billiards, we
demonstrate the universality of the Random Matrix approach as a tool to
detect the chaos-order transition in finite Fermi systems. It is shown
that this transition occurs at certain conditions which give rise to
dynamical symmetries in chaotic dynamics of fermions.
- 14.08.2013 Nodar Shubitidze (LHEP JINR) "On more accurate evaluations of three- and four-particle phase-space integrals" (in Russian) ppt
"К более точному вычислению трех- и четырех-частичного фазово-пространственного интеграла"
Представлены интегральные формы для вычисления трех- и четырех-частичных фазово-пространственных интегралов. Получены нерелятивисткие и ультрарелятивистские пределы. Полученные формулы позволяют более быстро и легко вычислять соответствующие интегралы.
- 07.08.2013 Elena Bratkovskaya (ITP&FIAS, Univ. Frankfurt) "The properties of parton-hadron matter from heavy-ion collisions" pdf
The intriguing problem of modern high energy and heavy-ion physics is to
understand the nature of deconfinement and the phase transition
from hadronic to partonic matter - the Quark-Gluon Plasma (QGP)- which
occurs during heavy-ion collisions at relativistic energies.
The latest experimental findings at high energy heavy-ion collisions
indicate that the QGP shows the properties of a strongly interacting
liquid (sQGP) rather than - as expected initially - a weakly interacting
gas of partons.
From the other hand, at low energy one observes a significant
modification of hadronic properties in dense and hot nuclear environment.
An overview of experimental observables as well as theoretical models
for the dynamical description of strongly interaction parton-hadron
matter in- and out-off equilibrium will be presented, the perspectives
for the
future NICA and BM@N experiments will be discussed.
- 03.07.2013 Sergei Nedelko (BLTP JINR), Vladimir Voronin (BLTP JINR & Dubna Uni.) "A Domain Wall Network as QCD Vacuum: Confinement, Chiral Symmetry, Hadronization" pdf
An overall task pursued by most of the approaches to QCD vacuum structure
is an identification of the properties of nonperturbative gauge field
configurations able to provide a coherent resolution of the confinement,
the chiral symmetry breaking, the $U_{\rm A}(1)$ anomaly and the strong
CP problems, both in terms of color-charged fields and colorless hadrons.
The central subject of the talk is an ensemble of almost everywhere
homogeneous, Abelian and (anti-)self-dual gluon field configurations.
These configurations are represented by a network of domain wall defects
in an initially homogeneous background. A single domain wall is given by
the sine-Gordon kink configuration for the angle between the chromomagnetic
and chromoelectric components of the gauge field. The kink arises as a
solution of the effective equations of motion within the Ginzburg-Landau
approach to the effective quantum action of QCD. The effective action takes
into account the existence of a non-vanishing gluon condensate
$\langle g^2F^2\rangle$ and the symmetries of QCD. The network of domain
walls is introduced by a combination of multiplicative and additive
superpositions of kinks. The spectrum and eigenmodes of color charged field
fluctuations are calculated for the case of an infinitely thin planar Bloch
domain wall. The character of the spectrum and eigenmodes of field fluctuations
in the presence of the network of domain walls characterizes the QCD vacuum
as the heterophase mixed state. The concept of the confinement-deconfinement
transition in terms of the ensemble of domain wall networks is outlined.
The role of a strong electromagnetic field as a trigger of deconfinement is
This ensemble of gluon fields provides a setup for description of the main
nonperturbative features of QCD. The phenomenological results obtained
previously in the context of domain model are reviewed: confinement of
static and dynamical quarks, chiral symmetry realization, the $U_A(1)$
anomaly and the strong CP problem, as well as the mechanism of hadronization.
In particular, with a minimal set of parameters (characteristic for QCD)
the model describes the properties of mesons from qualitatively different
parts of the spectrum: light mesons (including the Regge spectrum), heavy
quarkonia, heavy-light mesons, electromagnetic form factors and decay
- 26.06.2013 Yongseok Oh (Kyungpook National University, Korea) "Skyrmions with vector mesons: single Skyrmion and baryonic matter" pdf
The roles of light $\omega$ and $\rho$ vector mesons in the Skyrmion are
investigated in a chiral Lagrangian derived from hidden local symmetry
(HLS) up to ${\cal O}(p^4)$ including the homogeneous Wess-Zumino terms.
We write a general master formula that allows us to determine the
of the HLS Lagrangian from a class of holographic QCD models valid at the
large-$N_c$ and large-$\lambda$ (`t Hooft constant) limit by integrating out
the infinite towers of vector and axial-vector mesons other than the lowest
$\rho$ and $\omega$ mesons. Within this approach we find that the physical
properties of the Skyrmion as the solitonic description of baryons are
independent of the HLS parameter $a$. Therefore the only parameters of
the model are the pion decay constant and the vector-meson mass.
Once determined in the meson sector, we have a totally parameter-free theory
that allows us to study unequivocally the role of light vector mesons in the
Skyrmion structure. We find that the inclusion of the $\rho$ meson reduces
the soliton mass, which makes the Skyrmion come closer to the
Bogomol`nyi-Prasad-Sommerfield soliton, but the role of the $\omega$ meson
is found to increase the soliton mass. This model is also applied to
investigate baryonic matter as Skyrmion crystals.
- 03.06.2013 Mridupawan Deka (BLTP JINR) "Meta-stable States in the Quark-Gluon Plasma" pdf
In pure $SU(3)$ gluodynamics, the deconfined phase exists in three degenerate
states which are related to each other via $Z(3)$ rotations.
For QCD with dynamical fermions, the $Z(3)$ symmetry is explicitly broken.
As a consequence, the degeneracy between the three states is lifted, and one
of these states becomes the lowest-lying phase. For asymptotically high
temperatures one expects that the effects of quarks can at most render
the other two phases meta-stable.
In this project (Phys.Rev. D85 (2012) 114505) we have studied the meta-stable
phases at high temperature by means of lattice QCD. We have considered $N_f=2$
and $3$ flavours of dynamical staggered quarks, and have carried out
simulations at various values of the inverse gauge coupling $\beta$ to observe
these states. We have estimated the temperature above which the expected
meta-stability appears.
- 29.05.2013 A. V. Friesen (BLTP JINR) "Scattering of Quarks on Quarks and Hadrons" pdf
"Рассеяние кварка на кварке и адроне"
А. В. Фризен, Ю.Л. Калиновский, В. Д. Тонеев
We discuss the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with inclusion of the Polyakov loop
(PNJL model). We discuss in particular the parametrization of the effective
potential in the gluon sector. A number of new parameters for the effective potential is introduced,
which are motivated by an approximation of new lattice data.
Then the thermodynamics of this model is studied in detail.
The application of this model to the description of mesons and quarks
embedded in a hot and dense medium is discussed. In particular, the
elastic scattering of quarks with quarks and antiquarks and - for the
first time -
of quarks with hadrons is studied.
Results of numerical calculations for the total and the differential cross
section of a quark on a quark, on an antiquark and on a pion will be
- 22.05.2013 Joseph Manjavidze (VBLHEP JINR) "On S-matrix Interpretation of Thermodynamics"
The aim of the talk is to point out the connection between ordinary
S-matrix theory of the multiple production processes and the real
time finite temperature field theory in the sense of Schwinger-Keldysh.
It is shown that a one-to-one connection occurs if and only if the
event-by-event fluctuations of the mean energy of the produced particles
are Gaussian, i.e. the system is in "equilibrium".
The established connection
(i) defines the thermodynamical parameters of the Schwinger-Keldysh
theory through experimental input data and (ii) defines the range of
applicability of thermodynamical approaches to the description of
multiparticle production processes.
- 07.05.2013 D. E. Alvarez-Castillo (BLTP JINR) "Symmetry energy in the neutron star equation of state and
astrophysical observations" pdf
A systematic study of the role of the nuclear symmetry energy $E_s(n)$ for
description of neutron star (NS) matter is presented.
In a first part, the behavior of $E_s(n)$ at subsaturation densities is
discussed which is relevant for the location of the crust-core transition
inside the star and thus for the crust thickness.
We discuss how observations of glitches for the Vela pulsar constrain the
fraction of the crustal moment of inertia and thus $E_s(n)$ at low densities.
In a second part the conjecture of a
universal symmetry energy contribution
to the NS equation of state (EoS) at supersaturation densities is presented.
Ths result is derived from the finding that for NS matter the
asymmetry contribution to the energy per nucleon (in the parabolic
approximation) has a maximum bound as a function of baryon density which
corresponds to a proton fraction being almost constant and below the value
for the threshold of the Direct Urca (DU) cooling mechanism, i.e., around
$x_{\rm DU}\sim 1/8$.
As we have safe knowledge that the DU process cannot be operative in a large
class of NS, the EoS describing the matter their interior cannot allow proton
fractions exceeding $x_{\rm DU}$.
This implies the universal behaviour of the symmetry energy contribution
which can be exploited for linking the EoS determination by NS observations
with that by heavy-ion collision experiments.
- 10.04.2013 Petr Kopnin (ITEP) "Holographic models of QCD in the strong coupling region." pdf
We discuss several properties of the strongly coupled QCD in the presence of vacuum condensates and external fields in the framework of holographic AdS/QCD models. We investigate the compatibility of the dual AdS/QCD models with the axial low energy theorems of QCD, demonstrating a method of calculating the spectral density of the Dirac operator in dual models. We also discuss the implications of the holographic models for the QCD dynamics in strong external magnetic fields, such as the chiral magnetic effect, the behavior of the Debye screening mass in quark-gluon plasma in the magnetic field, and the dependence of the magnetic susceptibility and magnetization of the quark condensate on the external fields. The last part of the talk is dedicated to the examination of the Gross-Ooguri phase transition in the Wilson loop correlator in the presence of the gluon condensate.
- 03.04.2013 Irina Aref'eva (Steklov Mathematical Institute) "Quark-Gluon Plasma
Formation in Heavy Ion Collisions in Holographic Description" pdf
Starting from the discovery of QGP in heavy ions collisions at RICH,
a lot of theoretical efforts were applied to describe this phenomena within
QCD frameworks. The main problem is that this phenomena is dynamical and
in same time essentially nonperturbative. AdS/CFT correspondence,
which appeared as a
formal duality between the $N=4$ super Yang--Mills theory and
quantum gravity in the AdS background, has become a powerful tool
for studying various properties of real physical systems in the
strong-coupling limit.
The appearance of the quark-gluon plasma after the
heavy-ion collision in dual terms is described as formation of a
black hole. We discuss two holographic dual models of
In the first one colliding ions are described by gravitational shock
waves in AdS and the formation of the black hole is provided of
the formation of a trapped surface. In the dual language, the
multiplicity of the ion collision process is estimated as the area
of the trapped surface.
The second holographic model for quark-gluon plasma formed in the
heavy ion collisions is based on AdS-Vaidya model.
Within this model we estimate the thermalization time and its dependence on centricity
as well as
dethermalization time, related with the freeze-out time.
- 13.03.2013
Mikhail Zubkov (ITEP) "Nambu sum rule in the NJL models: from superfluidity to top quark condensation" ppt
It may appear that the recently found resonance at 125 GeV is not the only
Higgs boson. We point out the possibility that the Higgs bosons appear in
models of top-quark condensation, where the masses of the bosonic
excitations are related to the top quark mass by the sum rule similar to the
Nambu sum rule of the NJL models. This rule was originally considered by
Nambu for superfluid $^3$He-B and for the BCS model of superconductivity. It
relates the two masses of bosonic excitations existing in each channel of
Cooper pairing to the fermion mass. An example of the Nambu partners is
provided by the amplitude and the phase modes in the BCS model describing
Cooper pairing in the s-wave channel. This sum rule suggests the existence
of the Nambu partners for the 125 GeV Higgs boson. Their masses can be
predicted by the Nambu sum rule under certain circumstances. For example, if
there are only two states in the given channel, the mass of the Nambu
partner is $\sim$ 325 GeV. They together satisfy the Nambu sum rule $M_1^2 +
M_2^2 = 4 M_t^2$, where $M_t \sim $174 GeV is the mass of the top quark. If
there are two doubly degenerated states, then the second mass is $\sim$ 210
GeV. In this case the Nambu sum rule is $2 M_1^2 + 2 M_2^2 = 4 M_t^2$. In
addition, the properties of the Higgs modes in superfluid $^3$He-A, where
the symmetry breaking is similar to that of the Standard Model of particle
physics, suggest the existence of two electrically charged Higgs particles
with masses around 245 GeV, which together also obey the Nambu sum rule
$M_+^2 + M_-^2 = 4 M_t^2$.
Based on the papers:
arXiv:1302.2360 by G.E.Volovik, M.A.Zubkov,
arXiv:1301.6971 by M.A.Zubkov.
- 20.02.2013
Yu. B. Ivanov (Kurchatov Institute, Moscow) "Heavy-Ion Collisions within Multi-Fluid Simulations: Scenarios with and without Deconfinement Transition" pdf
Simulations of relativistic heavy-ion collisions within the three-fluid
model, employing a purely hadronic EoS and two versions of EoS
involving the deconfinement transition, are presented. The latter are
an EoS with a first-order phase transition and another with a smooth
crossover transition.
The analysis is performed in a wide range of incident energies
2.7 GeV $\le \sqrt{s_{NN}}\le$ 39 GeV in terms of the center-of-mass
energy. First results of these different scenarios are compared with
available experimental data. Scenarios with a deconfinement transition
look preferable at high incident energies $\sqrt{s_{NN}}\ge$ 5 GeV.
It is found that the predictions within deconfinement-transition scenarios
exhibit a ``peak-dip-peak-dip'' irregularity (in the dependence on the
incident energy) of the form of the net-proton rapidity distributions
in central collisions. This irregularity signals the onset of deconfinement
occurring in the hot and dense stage of the nuclear collision.
- 06.02.2013
Yuri Kalinovsky (LIT JINR) "Pion dissociation and Levinson's theorem in hot PNJL quark matter" pdf
Pion dissociation by the Mott effect in quark plasma is
described within the generalized Beth-Uhlenbeck approach
on the basis of the PNJL model which allows for a unified
description of bound, resonant and scattering states.
As a first approximation, we utilize the Breit-Wigner
ansatz for the spectral function and clarify its relation
to the complex mass pole solution of the pion
Bethe-Salpeter equation.
Application of the Levinson theorem proves that describing
the pion Mott dissociation solely by means of spectral
broadening of the pion bound state beyond $T_{\rm Mott}$
leaves out a significant aspect.
Thus we acknowledge the importance of the continuum of
scattering states and show its role for the thermodynamics
of pion dissociation.
Reference: arXiv:1212.5245
- 23.01.2013
Pavel Levashov (Joint Institute for High Temperatures, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow) "Thermodynamic and transport properties of strongly-coupled degenerate electron-ion plasma by first-principle approaches" pdf ppt
An approach is assumed to be a first-principle if it doesn’t rely upon any empirical information except for fundamental physical constants. This definition covers a great number of physical models, however, not all of them gives reliable results in the case of strong interaction and degeneracy. In this presentation several methods of calculation of thermodynamic and transport properties of strongly coupled quantum plasma will be covered: path-integral Monte Carlo, Wigner dynamics, density functional theory and quantum molecular dynamics. The advantages and disadvantages of these approaches will be considered and practical examples of computations will be mentioned. In particular, the methods will be applied to electron-hole plasma of semiconductors, hydrogen and deuterium as well as to dense plasma of metals. Comparison with available experimental data will be analyzed and further perspectives of first-principle approaches for strongly-coupled plasma will be discussed.
- 16.01.2013
Aleksander Gorsky (ITEP) "Nonperturbative defects in the dense QCD" pdf
We consider two types of nonperturbative defects
in the CFL phase of the dense QCD.
It will be argued that there are nonabelian strings
with a nontrivial worldsheet theory and monopoles
localized on the string worldsheet.
- 15.01.2013
M. Müller-Preussker (Humboldt University Berlin) "Confinement viewed with dimeron and dyon ensembles." pdf
We describe two recent attempts to simulate dimeron and dyon ensembles.
For zero temperature, following old confinement ideas put forward by Callan,
Dashen and Gross, (anti-) dimeron configurations are Monte-Carlo sampled
according to their classical action. We show that with an increasing bare
coupling the dimerons become more and more dissociating pointing to a meron
picture of the QCD vacuum state. Confinement is then viewed numerically in
terms of an area law of Wilson loops or an approximate linearly rising potential.
For non-zero temperature, guided by caloron solutions with non-trivial holonomy
as invented by Kraan and van Baal a couple of years ago, we discuss ensembles of
(anti-) dyon caloron constituents. Approximating them as Abelian monopoles one
analytically can compute the string tension as a function of the dyon gas density
and the temperature. On the other hand, simulating the monopole gas numerically
one easily sees that the long-range tails of their respective fields cannot be
simply treated within a finite volume. We describe that a solution of the severe
finite-size problem can be found with Ewald's summation technique well-known in
plasma physics. The numerical result obtained in the infinite volume limit nicely
agrees with the analytical result.
1) F. Bruckmann, S. Dinter, E.-M. Ilgenfritz, B. Maier, M. Muller- Preussker, M. Wagner,
"Confining dyon gas with finite-volume effects under control", Phys. Rev. D85 (2012) 034502,
arXiv:1111.3158 [hep-ph].
2) F. Zimmermann, H. Forkel, M. Muller-Preussker,
"Vacuum structure and string tension in Yang-Mills dimeron ensembles", Phys.Rev. D86 (2012) 094005,
arXiv:1202.4381 [hep-ph].
- 11.01.2013
Florian Burger (Humboldt University Berlin) "Critical temperature and equation of state from $N_f$ = 2 twisted mass
lattice QCD" pdf
I will present results of our ongoing investigation of the finite
temperature QCD phase transition with
two flavors of maximally twisted mass Wilson quarks.
The determination of Tc from several observables is discussed and
the question of the universality class of the two-flavor theory will be
addressed by looking at the scaling towards the chiral limit and the
magnetic equation of state.
Further, I will present results for the trace anomaly, pressure and energy
- 12.12.2012
Tin Sulejmanpasic (University of Regensburg) "Dyons in QCD and Chiral Symmetry Breaking" pdf
SU(N) calorons with nontrivial holonomy are a natural generalization of
instantons at finite temperature, which split into N objects called dyons.
As still in their infancy, a proper model of the vacuum structure
in terms of dyons is important to
develop. I will discuss some of
the implications of dyons and the
effect on chiral symmetry breaking for fundamental, as well as adjoint
fermions. Crucial objects for chiral symmetry breaking are fermionic
zeromodes on top of the dyons. In particular, the analytic behavior of
these modes is different for fundamental and adjoint fermions
and will induce a different behavior for adjoint and fundamental chiral
condensation, which
can potentially explain the different behavior in fundamental and adjoint
chiral transition observed on the lattice.
- 05.12.2012
V. O. Nesterenko (BLTP JINR) "Vorticity in Atomic Nuclei" pdf
Дается краткий обзор вихревого движения в ядрах. Обсуждаются альтернативные определения вихревого движения и их реализация в различных моделях. Даются примеры одночастичных и коллективных вихревых возбуждений. Подробно рассматривается вихревой дипольный тороидный резонанс и его связь с другими коллективными модами.
- 28.11.2012 Boris Kerbikov (ITEP) "Quark-antiquark system in ultra-intense magnetic field" pdf
We study the relativistic quark-antiquark system embedded in
magnetic field (MF). The Hamiltonian contains confinement,color
Coulomb and spin-spin interactions. We analytically follow the
evolution of the spectrum as a function of MF. In the large Nc
limit the mass of the ground state becomes negative for MF
above the critical value. The results are compared with recent
lattice calculations.
- 21.11.2012
S. V. Molodtsov (BLTP JINR) "
Four-fermion interaction in the context of study of relativistic heavy ion collisions" (in Russian) pdf
"Четырехфермионное взаимодействие в контексте изучения соударений релятивистских тяжелых ионов"
Г. М. Зиновьев, С. В. Молодцов
Почти идеальная жидкость, обнаруженная в экспериментах по столкновениям
ультрарелятивистских тяжелых ионов, исследуется с использованием кварковых ансамблей с
четырехфермионным взаимодействием в качестве основополагающего теоретического приближения.
При этом проводится сравнительный анализ
возникающих моделей квантовых жидкостей и отмечается, что характерным их
свойством является наличие фазового перехода газ-жидкость.
Обсуждается проблема неустойчивости капель кварковой
жидкости с малым числом кварков, связанная с возможным формированием кирального
солитона. Исследуется смешанная фаза вакуума и барионной материи, как возможный сценарий
ее стабильности. Рассматриваются некоторые аспекты цветовой сверхпроводимости. Изучается широко
обсуждаемое в последнее время нетривиальное термодинамическое состояние - фермионный конденсат.
На примере модельной задачи анализируется неожиданная возможность связи между затравочной и
эффективной константами взаимодействия. Отмечено, что простая вычитательная процедура может
приводить к конечному результату без типичной логарифмической сингулярности
для наблюдаемой константы связи, как функции передаваемой энергии.
- 19.09.2012
Anton Kononenko (JINR) "Magnetic scenario of Quark Gluon Plasma. New lattice results in QCD and SU(3) gluodynamics"
New results of our ongoing lattice study aiming to support the magnetic
scenario of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) will be presented.
To be concise, the magnetic scenario provides arguments that magnetic
degrees of freedom are responsible for the QGP's liquid properties.
On a lattice, these degrees of freedom can be associated with magnetic
monopoles obtained in the Maximal Abelian Gauge.
I will present numerical results obtained in lattice SU(3) gluodynamics
on one hand and lattice QCD on the other.
I will cover such topics as:
monopole density; dependence of the magnetic coupling and the magnetic
mass on the temperature. I will also consider several characteristics of
the monopole clusters in the confinement phase aiming
at better understanding of the quantum fluctuations responsible for
confinement in SU(3) gluodynamics and QCD.
- 27.07.2012
Michael Buballa (Technische Universitaet Darmstadt, Institut fuer Kernphysik) "Inhomogeneous phases in the QCD phase diagram" pdf
Most studies of the QCD phase diagram tacitly assume that the
different phases are homogeneous in space. However, there are good
arguments that inhomogeneous phases could also be present. In this talk we
focus on inhomogeneous chirally symmetry breaking phases,
where the quark condensate varies in space. Model calculations suggest
that the first-order chiral phase transition, including the critical
endpoint, could be removed from the phase diagram when inhomogeneous
phases are included. The mechanisms which lead to these solutions are
discussed and physical interpretations are given. Inhomogeneous color
superconducting phases are briefly discussed as well.
- 18.07.2012
V. G. Bornyakov (IHEP and ITEP) "Color-magnetic monopoles in lattice QCD at finite temperature: Most recent results" pdf
Thermal monopoles have been found to be important field configurations in
gluodynamics describing the gluon plasma close to the transition. We
present here results of a first study of thermal monopoles in
non-quenched lattice QCD with two flavors of dynamical quarks to
describe the quark-gluon plasma.
The density of monopoles and the parameters of their interaction are
computed both at high temperature and near to the transition.
A comparison with the thermal monopoles observed in gluodynamics is made.
arXiv:1111.0169 (by V. G. Bornyakov and A. G. Kononenko),
see also:
arXiv:1110.6308 and
- 13.06.2012
Andrey Sadofyev (ITEP) "Chiral effects in superfluid"
Recently, there were intense studies of hydrodynamics of chiral liquids.
A crucial novel point is existence of new transport coefficients,
overlooked in the text-book approaches. The coefficients are considered
to be completely fixed by the coefficient in front of the chiral anomaly.
This result could be obtained in a lot of approaches. Despite of variety
of the assumptions tried, all these approaches treat the liquid as a
single-component. We will consider here the system where the
single-component assumption is not valid and discuss which physical
picture is more justified.
- 06.06.2012
A. Leonidov (Lebedev Institute of Physics, RAS, Moscow) "Turbulent nonabelian matter in high energy nuclear collisions"
Dense non-abelian matter created in ultrarelativistic heavy ion collisions
undergoes several stages of evolution, from initially produced glasma
through quark-gluon plasma to formation of final hadrons. In the recent
years there accumulated significant theoretical evidence for the presence
of instabilities and resulting stochastic tubulent-like state of glasma
and quark-gluon plasma. In the talk a review of these issues is given.
- 05.06.2012
Sunyoung Shin (BLTP JINR) "A dual geometry of the hadron in dense matter
by Bum-Hoon Lee, Chanyong Park, Sang-Jin Sin
published in JHEP 0907 (2009) 087 "
This article discusses the dual geometries of confinement/deconfinement in
the hard wall model. Thermal charged AdS, which is the zero mass limit of
the Reissner-Nordstrom AdS black hole, is proposed as the dual geometry
corresponding to confining phase of QCD. We briefly review gauge/gravity
duality, hard wall model and Hawking-Page transition, and go through the
article. Below find the abstract of the article JHEP 0907 (2009) 087 :
We identify the dual geometry of the hadron phase of dense nuclear matter
and investigate the confinement/deconfinement phase transition. We suggest
that the low temperature phase of the RN black hole with the full
backreaction of the bulk gauge field is described by the zero mass limit of
the RN black hole with hard wall. We calculated the density dependence of
critical temperature and found that the phase diagram closes. We also study
the density dependence of the $\rho$ meson mass.
- 30.05.2012
V.V. Braguta (ITEP) "Electromagnetic superconductivity of vacuum induced by strong magnetic field: numerical evidence in lattice gauge theory"
Using numerical simulations of SU(2) gauge theory we demonstrate that an external magnetic field leads to spontaneous generation of quark condensates with quantum numbers of electrically charged $\rho$ mesons if the strength of the magnetic field exceeds the critical value $e B_c = 0.927(77) GeV^2$ or $B_c =(1.56 \pm 0.13)* 10^16 Tesla$. The condensation of the charged $\rho$ mesons in strong magnetic field is a key feature of the magnetic-field-induced electromagnetic superconductivity of the vacuum.
- 18.05.2012
D. Blaschke (BLTP JINR and University Wroclaw, Poland)
"A Microscopic Approach to Chemical Freeze-out in Heavy-Ion Collisions"
The derivation of a formula for the chiral condensate in a hadron
resonance gas is presented. A model for chemical freeze-out is
presented where the melting of the chiral condensate in hot, dense
hadronic matter leads to an increase in the hadronic radii
facilitating fast chemical equilibration. The model predictions are in
agreement with recent results from the beam energy scan program
of the STAR experiment at RHIC Brookhaven.
- 2.05.2012
M.Tokarev (LHEP JINR)
"z-Scaling & The Search for Signatures of a Phase Transition
and a Critical Point in Heavy Ion Collisions"
The method of data analysis (z-scaling approach)
based on self-similarity and locality
of constituent interactions in hadron and nucleus collisions
at high energy is briefly described.
It is applied for the analysis of BES data in order to search
for signatures of a phase transition and a Critical Point.
Some results of the analysis of inclusive hadron spectra measured
in heavy ion collisions at RHIC over a wide range of the energies
√s_NN = 7.7-200 GeV are presented.
The microscopic scenario of constituent interactions in the framework
of this approach is discussed. The dependence of the energy loss on
the momentum of the produced hadron, the energy and centrality of the
collision is studied. The self-similarity of the constituent interactions
in terms of momentum fractions is used to characterize the nuclear medium
by a particular ``specific heat'' and the colliding nuclei by fractal
dimensions. Kinematical regions which are assumed to be the most preferable ones
to search for signatures of a phase transition of nuclear matter are discussed.
The discontinuity of the ``specific heat'' is assumed to be a signature
of crossing a phase transition or passing the Critical Point.
- 25.04.2012
B. V. Martemyanov (ITEP)
"Topological objects across the phase transition
as seen by the cooling method
in SU(3) gluodynamics and in QCD with two flavors"
Topological objects are studied using the cooling method
of lattice fields representing SU(3) gluodynamics on one hand
and Quantum Chromodynamics with N_f=2 quark flavors on the other.
We compare the probabilities to find topological non-trivial,
in particular selfdual and antiselfdual configurations in the
cooling histories of Monte Carlo lattice configurations, that
have been generated close to the transition region in the two
phases, confinement and deconfinement.
In SU(3) gluodynamics (N_f=0) this probability drops sharply at
the temperature of the first order phase transition, while the
analytic crossover of full QCD from confinement to deconfinement
is accompanied by a smooth decrease of this probability.
The topological susceptibilities obtained by this analysis behave
in a similar way. The temperature behaviour of the latter is compared
with and found to be close to the temperature behaviour of the
topological susceptibilities determined by other methods.
- 18.04.2012
V. S. Filinov (Joint Institute for High Temperatures of RAS, Moscow)
"Quantum Simulation
of Thermodynamic and Transport Properties
of the Quark-Gluon Plasma"
For quantum simulations of thermodynamic and transport properties
of the quark-gluon plasma (QGP) within a unified approach we combine
Path Integral and Wigner (phase space) formulations of quantum mechanics.
Thermodynamic properties of a strongly coupled QGP of constituent
quasiparticles are studied by means of color path integral Monte-Carlo
simulations (CPIMC). For the purpose of simulations we have presented
the QGP partition function in the form of a color path integral with a
new relativistic measure instead of the usual Gaussian one used in
Feynman and Wiener path integrals. For the integration over the color
degree of freedom we have developed a sampling procedure according to
the SU(3) Haar measure. It is shown that this method is able to reproduce
the available Lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (LQCD) data describing the
deconfined phase.
Canonically averaged two-time quantum operator correlation functions and
related kinetic coefficients have been calculated according to Kubo formulae.
In our approach, CPIMC is used not only for the calculation of thermodynamic
functions, but also to provide equilibrium initial conditions (i.e. specific
coordinates, momenta, spin, flavor and color of multi-quasiparticle
configurations) in order to accomplish the generation of color-phase-space
trajectories as solutions of dynamic differential equations.
Correlation functions and kinetic coefficients are calculated as averages
of suitable Weyl's symbols of dynamic operators along these trajectories.
Using this approach we have calculated the diffusion coefficient and the
shear viscosity in good agreement with experimental data obtained at RHIC.
These results are obtained in collaboration with Yu. B. Ivanov (Kurchatov Institute Moscow and GSI Darmstadt, Germany), M. Bonitz (University Kiel, Germany), V. E. Fortov and
P. R. Levashov (both JIHT, RAS, Moscow).
- 11.04.2012
M.Tokarev (LHEP JINR)
"Beam Energy Scan at RHIC &
Search for Signatures of Phase Transition
and Critical Point in z-scaling approach"
The Beam Energy Scan program in AuAu collisions performed at RHIC is reviewed. The main goal of the program is the search for clear signatures of phase transition of nuclear matter and the location of a possible Critical Point. Experimental data on particle (π,K,p,φ,Λ,Ξ,Ω,…) and antiparticle yields allow to study collective phenomena as a direct and elliptic flow, nuclear modification factors, transverse momentum spectra, fluctuations of transverse momentum, particle ratios, net-baryon number and correlations of different quantities (Δφ-Δη) and their dependence on energy and centrality collisions. Results (temperature, chemical potential,..) of data analysis in framework of some theoretical models are discussed.
Method of data analysis (z-scaling approach) based on self-similarity and locality of constituent interactions in hadron and nucleus collisions at high energy is described. It is applied for analysis of BES data for search for signatures of phase transition and Critical Point. Some results of analysis of inclusive hadron spectra measured in heavy ion collisions at RHIC over a wide range of the energy √sNN = 7.7-200 GeV are presented. Microscopic scenario of constituent interactions in the framework of this approach is discussed. Dependence of the energy loss on the momentum of the produced hadron, energy and centrality of the collision is studied. Self-similarity of the constituent interactions in terms of momentum fractions is used to characterize the nuclear medium by a "specific heat" and the colliding nuclei by fractal dimensions. Kinematical regions which is assumed to be of most preferable for search for signatures of phase transition of nuclear matter produced in HIC in BES are discussed. Discontinuity of a "specific heat" is assumed to be a signature of phase transition and a Critical Point.
- 21.03.2012
O. V. Rogachevsky (VBLHEP JINR)
"Event structure of multiparticle production in nucleus-nucleus collisions"
The configurations of multiparticle events observed in the nucleus-nucleus
collisions are considered in the transverse momentum phase space. The
appearance of some features in the inclusive particle spectra may be
traced back to the different event structures. Event structure also
could have an impact on the some effects (flow, jet suppression, ridge),
observed recently in nucleus-nucleus collisions at RHIC and LHC.
- 11.03.2012
Nikolai Kochelev (BLTP JINR)
"The Quark Anomalous Chromomagnetic Moment Induced by the QCD Vacuum,
a New Model for Pomeron and Odderon,
and the Nonperturbative Quark Energy Loss in Quark-Gluon Matter"
It is shown that the existence of strong vacuum gluon
fields called instantons in nonperturbative QCD vacuum leads to
appearance of a large anomalous quark chromomagnetic moment
(AQCM). We suggest a new model for Pomeron and Odderon exchanges based
on the AQCM and discuss the dynamics of exclusive high
energy hadron-hadron scattering at large momentum transfer. We
show that there is the nonfactorizable contribution to the
inclusive cross section for hadron production at high energy which gives
also the rise to single-spin asymmetries for meson
production observed in the many reactions. The possible important role of
AQCM contribution to the fast parton energy loss in cold
and hot quark-gluon matter is under discussion.
- 29.02.2012
J. Pawlowski (University of Heidelberg)
"On the thermodynamics and phase structure of QCD"
I review the progress made in recent years with functional continuum
methods in our understanding of the QCD phase diagram. Within this
approach QCD correlation functions of quarks, gluon and hadrons are
computed non-perturbatively from first principles. The approach has been
used complementary as well as in combination with lattice
computations, a particular strength being its applicability to the chiral
limit and at finite density. In the past decades this has led to a
plethora of quantitative as well as qualitative results for the hadronic
mass spectrum, the confinement-deconfinement and the chiral phase
transition, the role of fluctuations (non-Gaussianities) and the dynamics
of QCD far from equilibrium.
In the present talk I will mainly concentrate on the phase structure of
QCD at vanishing and finite temperature and density, including the effects
of strong (chromo-) magnetic and electric fields such as
present in heavy ion collisions. Specifically results are discussed for
the order parameters of confinement-deconfinement and chiral phase
transitions, the nature of these transitions and their interrelation, as
well as the thermodynamics of QCD. The talk concludes with a
discussion of the further prospects for our understanding of the phase
structure of QCD.
- 15.02.2012
A.G. Litvinenko (LHEP JINR)
"Review of some results of heavy ion collisions. Continuation."
In the second part of the talk, experimental results are discussed that
contain more specific information about the properties of the excited
hadronic matter. In particular, some properties of the elliptic flow
(scaling in the number of valence quarks, the elliptic flows of heavy quarks)
are presented. Besides this, the effect of melting of resonances and other
effects and observables, associated with the very early stage of the collision
between heavy ions, are pointed out. This concerns the effect of jet quenching
and the direct photon spectra.
- 08.02.2012
A.A. Petrukhin (MEPhI)
"Cosmic rays of very high energies (> 10^15 eV) and quark-gluon matter"
"Космические лучи сверхвысоких энергий (> 10^15 эВ) и кварк-глюонная материя"
В экспериментах, проведенных в космических лучах при энергиях выше $ 10^{15}$ эВ ($>1$ ТэВ в системе центра масс), зарегистрированы необычные события разного типа, которые не находят своего объяснения в рамках существующих моделей адронного взаимодействия, основанных на экстраполяции ускорительных данных. Для их объяснения было предложено много различных идей и моделей, но ни одна из них не позволяет описать с единой точки зрения всю совокупность имеющихся экспериментальных данных. В докладе рассматривается модель образования кварк-глюонной материи в ядро-ядерных взаимодействиях, которая позволяет непротиворечивым образом описать имеющиеся экспериментальные результаты, полученные в космических лучах сверхвысоких энергий. Обсуждаются возможности проверки нового подхода в экспериментах на LHC.
- 01.02.2012
A.G. Litvinenko (LHEP JINR)
"Review of some results of heavy ion collisions"
Observables and basic definitions used to describe nucleus-nucleus collisions are discussed. The main results obtained at RHIC are considered in the review. Where it is possible a comparison with results obtained at other energies is made.
- 25.01.2012
V.D. Toneev (BLTP JINR)
"Evolution of electromagnetic field in heavy ion collisions and chiral magnetic effect"
"Эволюция электромагнитного поля в столкновении тяжелых ионов и киральный магнитный эффект"
Кинетическая модель динамики адронных струн обобщена на случай
формирования и эволюции электромагнитного поля с учетом влияния
этих электрических и магнитных полей на распространение квазичастиц
в ядерной среде. Для периферических Au+Au(200 ГэВ) столкновений
детально проанализирована пространственно-временная структура полей
и дана оценка достигаемых значений поля. Показано, что хотя значения
электрических и магнитных полей велики, они практически не влияют
на наблюдаемые величины (в том числе и на эффект разделения зарядов
относительно плоскости реакции) из-за взаимной компенсации действия
этих полей на транспорт квазичастц. Выполнен анализ недавних
экспериментов RHIC по поиску кирального магнитного эффекта при
умеренных энергиях. Результаты RHIC при энергиях столкновения 7.7 и
11.5 ГэВ могут быть разумно объяснены в рамках адронной модели.
- 18.01.2012
Michael Mueller-Preussker (Humboldt-University Berlin)
"Two-colour lattice QCD at T>0 in the presence of a strong
magnetic field"
We present a lattice calculation for hadronic or quark-gluon
matter at non-zero temperature under the influence of a strong
magnetic field. We restrict ourselves to SU(2) gauge fields and
four degenerate dynamical quark flavours each having the same
electric charge.
We employ the staggered formulation for the fermionic lattice
fields and compute numerically the Polyakov loop and the chiral
condensate as well as their susceptibilities in order to establish the
dependence of the critical temperature on the external magnetic field. In
detail we discuss the enhancement of chiral symmetry
breaking in the chirally broken phase as well as its restoration
in the deconfined phase.
- 11.01.2012
V.V. Braguta (ITEP)
"Abelian Monopoles and Properties of Quark-gluon Plasma"
"Абелевые монополи и свойства кварк-глюонной плазмы"
Одной из моделей, которая предлагает
объяснение конфайнмента является модель
вакуума КХД как дуального сверхпроводника.
В этой моделе считается что в вакууме КХД в
конденсированном состоянии присутствуют
хромомагнитные монополи. При моделировании
вакуума КХД в вычислениях на решетке роль
хромомагнитных монополей играют монополи
в максимально абелевой калибровке. Так,
известно, что переход конфайнмент-деконфайнмент
однозначно связан с появлением-исчезновением
конденсата таких монополей.
Недавние теоретические исследования
кварк-глюонной плазмы показали, что монополи
могут играть важную роль в таких свойствах
плазмы как сверхтекучесть, которая была
обнаружена на эксперименте RHIC. Из этого
можно сделать вывод, что, изучая свойства
абелевых монополей, мы изучаем свойства
полевых конфигураций ответственных не только
за конфайнмент, но и за коллективные явления
в кварк-глюонной плазме.
В докладе будут представлены новые
результаты изучения абелевых монополей в
кварк-глюонной плазме в рамках решеточной
SU(2) КХД. В частности, в докладе планируется
обсудить взаимодействие монополей, плотность,
размер монополей, масса монополей, влияние
монополей на свойства кварк-глюонной плазмы
и т. д. Помимо этого, будут представлены
результаты доказывающие, что монополи являются
не только частицами, которые несут хромомагнитный
заряд, но и частицами несущими хромоэлектрический
заряд и в пределах ошибки вычислений эти заряды
равны между собой.
- 7.12.2011
Leonard Fister (University Heidelberg, Germany)
"Yang-Mills Theory at Non-Vanishing Temperature"
We study the temperature dependence of correlators in Yang-Mills
theory. For this purpose we utilise a purely thermal renormalisation
group flow equation, and obtain the full thermal propagators.
Interestingly, the electric screening mass is sensitive to the
confinement-deconfinement phase transition. We also compute
thermodynamic quantities such as the pressure.
- 30.11.2011
B. V. Martemyanov (ITEP)
Dilepton production in elementary processes and in heavy ion collisions at intermediate energies
"Рождение дилептонов в элементарных реакциях и столкновениях ионов при промежуточных энергиях"
Предлагается единое описание рождения векторных мезонов и дилептонов в
элементарных процессах и столкновениях тяжёлых ионов. Это означает, что
все дилептоны появляются через промежуточные векторные бозоны. Рождение
векторных мезонов предполагается результатом возбуждения нуклонных резонансов.
Соответствующая модель доминантности векторных мезонов расширяется с целью
описания переходных электромагнитных формфакторов резонансов.
В случае столкновения тяжёлых ионов обсуждаются эффекты ядерной среды.
- 16.11.2011
P.V. Buividovich (ITEP)
"Nonrelativistic and Relativistic Hydrodynamics on the Lattice"
Lattice discretization of kinetic Boltzmann equation is one of
efficient ways for numerical simulations in viscous nonrelativistic
which allows to consider turbulence, convection and other
non-equilibrium processes. We consider the derivation of macroscopic
hydrodynamical equations from continuum Boltzmann equation and from its
lattice discretization. It turns out that numerical solution of Boltzmann
equation on the lattice is simpler than the solution of the corresponding
Navier-Stokes equation. We also consider the
generalization of this approach to relativistic theory, in particular, to
the simulations of quark-gluon plasma.